There is lots of content out there - blogs, notes, ppts, guides, videos, eLearning Hub, and this blog will take you there in a structured way for current release and you can use same logic for future releases to find out all the details easily.
Basic understanding of the types of notes makes life easy and crack the process. Also you know which notes you have to read. And also which notes you have to read and apply as corrections using SNOTE.
Please find other blogs as follows at S/4HANA SQUARE ONE
NEW INSTALLATION | PART1 - MP | PART2 - Installation | PART3 - BP Activation | PART4 - Fiori Activation | PART5 - DATA MIGRATION |
S/4HANA 1909 | fps2 fps1 fps0 | fps2 fps1 fps0 | fps2 fps1 fps0 | fps2 fps1 fps0 | fps0 |
S/4HANA 1809 | fps2 fps1 fps0 | fps2 fps1 fps0 | fps2 fps1 fps0 | fps2 fps1 fps0 | |
S/4HANA 1709 | fps2 fps1 fps0 | fps2 fps1 fps0 | fps2 fps1 fps0 |
SYSTEM CONVERSION | t2 - RC | t3 - MP | t4 - SIC | t5 - CCM | t6 - SUM |
S/4HANA 1909 | rc2 | link | link | link | prepare EHP6/mss |
S/4HANA 1809 | rc2 | link | link | link | EHP7/hdb EHP6/db6 EHP5/ora EHP6/mss |
S/4HANA 1909 | link - custom link - standard | link |
S/4HANA Certification Exams through SAP Certification Hub | link |
Let's first find out the note applicable. This basic funda will help you easily get to any release in future. It's good to know the difference between Composite Note - which is a note that includes all releases like 1709, 1809, 1909, etc and Central Note - which is for specific release like 1909. You have to go to SAP Note 2780378 Composite SAP Note for SAP S/4HANA Migration Cockpit (all releases). This is information note to find out the Central note number applicable. From this we locate Central Note 2819445 (BackEnd) and 2815704 (FrontEnd). Then there is the FAQ Composite Note which we will use for the step sequence SAP Note 2747566 - SAP S/4HANA Migration Cockpit: Composite Note for Transfer Data Directly from SAP...
We will also use a License Note 2546754 to apply license to object /LTB/. There is also Analyzer Note 2596411 with which contains program to check if more notes are to be applied. There is a Collective FAQ Note 2537549 that has KBAs for migration objects, like for example the Consulting Note 2663293 - Migration Cockpit: Analyze Fixed Asset data migration errors This note says the error could be a configuration/customizing issue and may be due to inconsistencies/incorrect values. There is also a KBA Note 2778320 - Release Comparison of Migration Objects which contains information about the changed structures and fields between the different releases.
(A) Lowest supported Source System is ECC (EHP0 to EHP8)/ AFS 6.0 or EWM 5.1
(B) Read SAP Note 2836748 - SAP S/4HANA Migration Cockpit: Central Note for Transfer Data Directly from SAP S... or
SAP Note 2836840 - SAP S/4HANA Migration Cockpit: Central Note for Transfer Data Directly from SAP S...
as applicable. As of now these notes are not released so ignore them for now.
(C) Follow Note 1577441 - Installation and delta upgrade of DMIS 2011_1
Install the latest SPAM update to latest version. Upgrade/Install DMIS 2011_731 SP17 on source system (free of charge - included in the license for SAP S/4HANA 1909). For fresh installation, go to Software Download - DMIS Choose DMIS and then DMIS 2011_1_731 to download K-116AGINDMIS.SARIf the source system already has DMIS then on the Right-Top, Click on Support Packages and Patches and select from needed files K-11601INDMIS.SAR to K-11617INDMIS.SAR and apply.
After all the files have been uploaded, login to client 000 and apply DMIS Add-on using SAINT and password for DMIS 2011_731 fresh install is 51055C245A
(D) Create User in Source System for Data Transfer.
Login to Source System Client from where you want the data transferred. Use tCode SU01 and Create User ECC_RFC_USER, User Type = Communications Data, User Role = SAP_DMIS_OBT_REMOTE
To avoid the issue of first time password reset for this communications user, I first created user as User Type = Dialog and then after initial password change changed to User Type = Communications user.
Steps are based on system prepared with Part1 to Part4 of the blog for New Installation. In Part 3 the Best Practices Content Activation would be done without demo data. This requires unchecking the demo data option in the first dialog after starting activation.
(A) Install License key needed for the Notes - SAP Note 2546754 - DMIS 2011 / DMIS 2018 / S/4HANA - "No valid change license exists for namespace /...
1. tCode SE06, System Change Option.
2. namespace /LTB/ set to "Modifiable".
3. tCode SM30, view V_TRNSPACE and click "Maintain".
4. Namespace /LTB/ and double click it
5. Change Namespace role from P (Producer) to C (Consumer)
6. Enter Repair key: '17898220912627901139'
7. Press "Save". ignore warning by hitting the Enter key.
8. Ensure the Namespace role has saved as C.
9. execute /$TAB TRNSPACE and /$SYNC in transaction input field.
(B) Implement Note SAP Note 2819445 Transfer Data Directly from SAP System – Corrections in migration technology Apply Correction Notes as mentioned.Below list is based on ver 41 dtd 14 Feb 2020 and the note is frequently updated with more corrections. Please confirm the list for S/4HANA 1909 FPS0.
2799050 | Mappings uploaded with LTMOM are ignored by TRCO completing function | No |
2817867 | No items for selection available with semantic criteria | No |
2818499 | Performance improvement (validation, simulation, transfer) | Yes |
2818723 | Result handling for mass capable transfer methods | No |
2818859 | Selection returns no records | No |
2819425 | Selection ends with error (referring to access plan) | No |
2819690 | Prepare migration object fails with error (field not found) | No |
2820721 | Task 'Generate Selection Environment' fails | No |
2822842 | Multi-Step execution (all_steps) not working properly | No |
2827451 | Transfer ends with error, but error message is not written in log | No |
2828833 | Selection for adjusted object fails (e.g. no worklist parameter found) (requires license key and cannot apply in SNOTE) | No |
2832163 | Check if table is user-defined before adjust data model interface | No |
2832170 | Memory overflow during selection due to missing reset of access plan | No |
2833070 | Transformation Rule enhancement for int8 decfloat34 and decfloat16 (requires license key) | No |
2843455 | Select Data -- parallel execution | Yes |
2846840 | Performance improvement (selection) | No |
2847021 | Enhance selection by specifying block size of transfer data | No |
2853305 | Field BLOCK_SIZE of table CNV_PE_IF_DM_MWB is not existing in current system | No |
2855775 | Delete Mass Transfer independent to the existence of MWB subproject | No |
2860922 | Migration Cockpit: Job Close error | No |
2861410 | Set Migration Object background job numbers[Back-end] (requires license key) | Yes |
2864007 | Selection ends with error "Validation Scheduling failed | No |
2864500 | Data selection is not correct | No |
2856116 | Cloning and generation of mapping tasks shows error in case of deep dependencies | No |
(A) The File and Staging transfer were web based but you will have to install Fiori application for direct transfer. Logon to S/4HANA 1909 and higher system using URL: https://vhcals4hci.dummy.nodomain:44300/sap/bc/ui2/flp?sap-client=100&sap-language=EN
Select Fiori Tile Group - Data Migration and Fiori Tile - Migrate Your Data.
On the next screen you will see all projects, click on Create.
Enter details below, Project name: FICO1, Scenario: ERP to S/4HANA , RFC Connection: ECC_S4H_XFER, select Company Codes 1000, 1010 - as required, you can select multiple company codes. Select the Migration Objects. You can click on Dependencies (41) to check all the dependencies. There is only one predecessor dependency and 40 successor dependencies. You can also click on Description to find out more details. Click on Save
If the migration object selected has Predecessor objects, the system will prompt for adding those objects as shown below. Click on View Details
The dialog shows that there is one predecessor object and shows the name of the object - FI-CO Cost center standard hierarchy and groups. Click on Add.
Or alternatively you can click on "Do Not Add" and decide to add the object later but keep in mind that once you add objects you cannot remove objects later.
You can also Double Click Project name FICO1
On the screen below you can view the migration objects assigned to your project. You can see that objects are not ready for processing. Select and Double Click FI-CO Cost Center
Click on tab Table Structure and find the relevant source system tables for the migration object. The tables are displayed in a hierarchy. You can also find other information related to the object such as logs and data. If you click on History tab you can view the you can view the history of actions on the object with log for each action.
You can then go into SE16 in source system Table CSKS to see the number of records. There are 15 entries in this table for Company Code (BUKRS) = 1000 and 1010.While you are waiting you want to see what's going on - tCode SM37 and find the active jobs. The objects are being copied to project level and the job will run for sometime. So I waited about 16 mins. The reason I want you to see the job is to get an idea of how much time it takes as some "activities" take few seconds.
(B) SELECT DATA: Click on Show Activity Tracking which provides status information for running activities. You can see that the list of activities shows set of (1) for copying migration objects and (2) for Prepare migration projects for the objects.
For the next step click on (3) SELECT DATA for FI-CO Cost Center. In File and Staging transfer there was a strictly guided procedure but with the Fiori app you have more flexibility in choosing the steps. In the screen below you can click on "1 Background Jobs" to modify the number of background jobs to be used for processing of migration object..Click on it and then increase/decrease with +/-.You can edit the project and add more objects if required
You can then click on (4) Select Data for FI-CO Cost Center standard hierarchy and groups.
In tCode SM37 job status shows below and here you see that the activities take less than a minute.
TIP: Alternatively if you want to select All instances of objects you can select more than one object and then click on Actions drop down and choose Select.
(C) MAPPING TASKS: Also you find that in the activity tracking (1) there are 2 records for "Select Data". Earlier you had checked that there are 15 records in table CSKS and these are shown as instances. Click on (2) MAPPING TASKS.The screen shows below. Here you can go into individual "Mapping Tasks" and then check and confirm each one. While mapping the values you can use search help to select values from the S/4HANA target system.
TIP: Until you are familiar with the mapping logic its good to go into each mapping task and check to see what is proposed and confirm each one. This may take long time if there are large number of records. Some of the records may be assigned to blank values and that may be OK.
Alternatively if you can (1) select all Mapping Tasks and click on (2) Confirm with single click as shown below:
(D) SIMULATE: After Mapping is completed, from below screen we can see that for FI-CO Cost Center we have (1) 15 instances for which 10 mapping tasks were required. These (2) 10 mapping tasks are "Done". and system is waiting fro Simulate. Click on (3) SIMULATEAs compared to File and Staging approach you have the options to select from among - "Random 10%", "Random 500" or "All Instances".
After you click on "Start Simulation", enter tCode SM37 to get an idea of how long the job runs.
After the Activity is complete you find that there are 13 successful and 2 errors. The job above is Finished green and the Activity Tracking shows Status Failed.
Do the same for Migration Object FI-CO Cost Center standard hierarchy and groups.Click on Error below:
Here the error is shown as Profit Center A000/Y120B does not exist for 01.01.2006. Actually the profit center Y120B exists but is not valid for the date. If the date is extended this record will migrate. We will exclude the 2 records with errors anyway although they can be fixed so we can see the exclusion process. Click on 2 below:
(1) Select the two records and click on (2) Exclude.
TIP: After excluding the 2 records with errors, if you decide to migrate the 2 records later on with errors the you have the option to select "All Instances with Error".
(E) MIGRATE: Click on MIGRATE. The Activity tracking shows the progress bar in green and error messages in red as they are found.
Migration of 13 records is successful as shown below. You can click on Migrate for other object also.
Below is the corresponding screenshot of SM37 job to show the job names.Hope you have enjoyed the data migration for the the first few objects and can move others.
After migrating data, it is good to check the tables in S/4HANA target system to close the loop.
So here is the snapshot: Login to target client, SE16 in target system table CSKS to see the number of records. There are 15 entries in this table for Company Code (BUKRS) = 1000 and 1010.
Thanks to the Data Migration development team for providing the notes, blogs and KBAs that were useful in putting everything together into this blog.
Login to BackEnd tCode SLG1 and filter for Transaction Code MWB
Migration Cockpit - Direct Transfer - use component CA-LT-MC
Migration Cockpit - File/Staging - use component CA-GTF-MIG
The notes applied have to be moved across the landscape using transport. Users will have to be manually created in each system.
For a more detailed description of all tasks please refer to
SAP Help Portal - Transferring Data Directly from an SAP System
SAP Note 2747566 - S/4HANA Migration Cockpit: Composite Note for Transfer Data Directly from SAP Sys...
SAP Note 2819445 Transfer Data Directly from SAP System – Corrections in migration technology
SAP Note 2815704 Migrate Your Data Fiori App for SAP S/4HANA On-Premise Edition 1909
SAP Note 2780378 Composite SAP Note for SAP S/4HANA Migration Cockpit (all releases)
Starter Blog for SAP S/4HANA Migration Cockpit
S/4HANA 1909 Installation Guide <==7.1.1 SAP S/4HANA Migration Cockpit
Note 2596411 - Run Note Analyzer <==check if relevant notes are installed in S/4HANA
S/4HANA Migration Cockpit <==pdf with presentation
Migrate Data Using Files / Staging Tables <==pdf Step By Step Guide
Filling Staging Tables with data using SAP HANA Studio <==pdf Step by Step Guide
SAP S/4HANA Migration Object Modeler ,==pdf Step by Step Guide and Video
OpenSAPcourse ”Data Migration to S/4HANA” <==File Xfer, Staging w DS and MOM
https://help.sap.com/S4_OP_DM <==Data migration landing page
https://help.sap.com/S4_OP_MO <==List of Migration Objects
KBA Note 2778320 - Release Comparison of Migration Objects
FAQ Note 2537549 - FAQ for S/4HANA Migration Cockpit (onPrem)
FAQ Note 2681413 - S/4HANA Data Migration Status App
BPX General: Rapid Data Migration Best practice in Best Practice Explorer
BPX Test Script: Data Migration to SAP S/4HANA from File (BH5) <=pdf
BPX Test Script: Data Migration to SAP S/4HANA from Staging (2Q2) <=pdf
Thank you. Hope you enjoyed the blog !
Mahesh Sardesai
Product Expert – S/4HANA
Brought to you by the SAP S/4HANA Regional Implementation Group
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