In this blog I’ll introduce the address determination logic in Partner determination.
When multiple address handling is active, you can configure address determination on two levels by performing the following activities in Customizing under
Sales and Distribution ->
Basic Functions ->
Partner Determination ->
Set Up Partner Determination:
- Set Up Partner Determination for Sales Document Header
- Set Up Partner Determination for Sales Document Item
- Set Up Partner Determination for Delivery
- Set Up Partner Determination for Billing Header
- Set Up Partner Determination for Billing Item
On the partner determination procedure level, two fields can be used for address determination configuration:
Address Determination and
All Addresses Allowed.
Partner determination procedure
On the partner function level, field
Address Determination can be used for address determination configuration.
partner function
What is the processing logic of these new fields? Using ship-to party as an example to explain the address determination logic:
From above explanation, we can see that
All addresses allowed has the highest priority. If all three fields are left blank/empty, the system determines addresses from the address overview (containing general addresses) in BP master.
Address Determination in SD Documents
Understanding Address Selection in SD Documents