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This blog helps you to understand step by step process in order to migrate Location and Logistics Areas in Business by Design system.

When you have to create multiple Locations and Logistics area manually in Business By Design system , it is time consuming and tedious to do so. The best way to create Location and Logistics area is through importing data via Migration of Location and Logistics Area by filling the legacy data in  migration template.

The location and location layout concept enables you to design a detailed model of your company’s supply chain. The location represents an external view of your company that helps you to communicate with your business partner. The location layout on the other hand represents an internal view of your company’s structure. It allows for an integrated material flow for warehousing and production through a common layout. You can centrally maintain the layouts of the different sites and locations within your company.

Note: Location should be unique and records to be imported to be limited 5000


1)Fill the Migration template , Refer to Documentation sheet and Field List sheet to view the explanation of Fields and Field value in the Migration template.

2)After filling the data in migration template, Change the Excel file format to XML Format

2) Migrate Data Using the Migration Tool

Navigate to Business Configuration Work Center and Overview View , search for Migration of Location and Logistics Area, Select the activity as highlighted below.


 Further select “Migrate Location and Logistics Area using the migration tool”


After filling the Migration Template convert the excel file format to xml type and upload the migration file


 Select Browse to select the Migration file path.


File is ready for Migration , as it is successfully uploaded.


Now select Execute Migration under which select Execute Migration Step by Step


Step1:Validate File is completed


Click on Next to initiate Step2


Step 2: Convert Values, Click on Next to initiate step 3


Step3 :Simulate Import initiated


Imported Successfully


Imported Successfully without any errors, Click on Next to initiate Step 4


Step 4: Execute Import, Click on Yes to continue.


Data Import successful



Click on Finish to initiate Step 5: Confirmation


We observe below  data imported successfully.

Verify the migrated Location and Logistics area in Supply Chain Design Master Data Work Center , Locations View. Compare the data in your legacy system with the data that has been migrated to the SAP solution. Check a certain number of records to ensure that the values in both systems match.


This completes the Migration of Location and Logistics areas process.


The Site is not created by migration; it is created when an Org. Entity of type Business Residence is created. When the site is marked as Logistics Relevant, a SPA is created for it.Once these settings are maintained the materials can be migrated. If the material information is being used in LoA migration, the migration of materials with the above steps becomes a pre requisite.

