Manufacturing in SAP S/4HANA Cloud, Public Edition...
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This blog provides an overview of innovations in SAP S/4HANA Cloud 2302 for Manufacturing.
First, this blog post starts with the table of contents for ease of reference and allows you to navigate directly to the topic you are interested in by clicking on a specific entry:
With 2302, change records in SAP S/4HANA Cloud, public edition integrate now with the collaboration capability of the SAP Enterprise Product Development (SAP EPD) solution.
This integration extends change-management processes to the following using the collaboration capability of SAP EPD:
Design partners
Contract manufacturers
Watch the video below that shows how collaborations can be linked to a particular change record.
Video 2a: Change Record linked to SAP Enterprise Product Development - Collaborations
Watch also the next video that demonstrates the way product teams collaborate on changes in complex products during complete change lifecycle.
Video 2b: Product Change Collaboration Across the Extended Enterprise
For a short recap watch the demo video in my 2208 blog post that shows the SAP Fiori app Process Production Versions as the one-stop solution for production versions.
Now we enhance the app with a new inconsistencies column in the list report and in the object page. You can check the inconsistencies between production version and other objects and differentiate errors and warnings clearly.
Figure 1: SAP Fiori app 'Process Production Versions' - Check inconsistencies
In Capacity Planning & Scheduling a new SAP Fiori app called Capacity Evaluation is available now. With this app you can better visualize capacity situation of work centers within a plant. You can group work centers based on work center group and visualize the utilization on the group level. The visualization and analytical capabilities helps in understanding and managing the impact of capacity situation. In the next video my colleague Markus Oertelt introduces the new app.
The apps Monitor Material Coverage – Net Segments and Monitor Material Coverage – Net and Individual Segments have been enhanced with the following changes:
Improved visualization of days' supply and intraday supply values with respect to time-dependent stock levels
Additional filters to help determine materials that have a critical days' supply or stock days' supply value
Improved value help for customers to support business partners with multiple addresses (Monitor Material Coverage - Net and Individual Segments)
Figure 3: 'Monitor Material Coverage' app - Days of supply (DOS)
With the new SAP Fiori app Manage Material Coverage (F0251A), you can now display and analyze coverage issues that exist for selected materials. The app is a successor of the app Manage Material Coverage (F0251), providing an improved look-and-feel based on the Fiori elements framework, as well as enhanced functionality, for example regarding material selection and navigation options. You can use it for collective requirements materials as well as for make-to-stock and make-to-order materials. Watch the video below for more insights.
Video 4: New, modernized SAP Fiori app 'Manage Material Coverage'
The distribution key function in material requirements planning has been optimized allowing for an enhanced planning of components with MRP live. This enhancement is available for the equal distribution of component requirements between start date and finish date of the planned order. Basically, this method is a simple way of repetitive manufacturing.
The figure below shows an example where MRP live distributes component demand across in-house production time for a BOM item in which the distribution key is entered. As a result a demand of 304 pieces per day across in-house production time is planned.
Figure 4: 'Manage Material Coverage' app displays equal distribution of component requirements between start date and finish date of the planned order
Technical background:
So far, the distribution key function was executed in "classic ABAP driven" MRP only and could not be executed in MRP live. Now, executing the distribution key function in MRP live improves the performance.
Refinement of the Average-Daily-Use (ADU) and Classification Calculations
New configuration is delivered for Buffer Profile Assignment and Assignment of Profile for Goods Issue selection (DD) to gain more flexibility in calculating ADU and classification of a buffered product.
The user can create Assignment of Profile for Goods Issue selection for excluding Goods Issues for specific Movement Types. In addition, user can also exclude Movement Type and Customer ID as a combination. This exclusion profile can be assigned to a specific plant. This will impact ADU calculation, ABC classification, and XYZ classification.
Figure 5: 'Manage Your Solution' app - Configuration for Profile Assignment in Demand-Driven Replenishment
Flexible Definition of Display Horizons Based on Decoupled Lead Time in Demand-Driven Replenishment Apps
New fields are introduced for DLT multipliers. One for Past and one for Future horizon. These values will be maintained in the DD product master table using DD Product Mass Maintenance application which leads to flexible definition of display horizons based on the decoupled lead time (DLT) of a product.
Figure 6: 'Mass Maintenance of Products (DD)' app - New DLT Multiplier fields
Figure 7: 'Manage Buffer Levels' app - additional display range definitions based on DLT Multiplier
Objects Released for Developer Extensibility in Production Operations
Developer extensibility allows you to create development projects in an SAP S/4HANA Cloud system. See also chapter Developer Extensibility at the end of this blog post.
For SAP S/4HANA Cloud ABAP Environment, the RAP business object Production Order(Technical Name: I_ProductionOrderTP) is released for developer extensibility. Now you can modify a production order as an ABAP RESTful application programming model business object in SAP S/4HANA Cloud ABAP Environment, including production order headers, components, and operations.
Figure 8: RAP business object Production Order(Technical Name: I_ProductionOrderTP)
In addition, I want to highlight here the enhancement to allow the production order OData API to modify production order components from external systems. For further information check out Production Order (Version 2).
The next figure gives an overview of extensibility capabilities for production order on the object level of header, sequences, operations, and components.
Figure 9: Objects Released for Developer Extensibility in Production Operations
The new SAP Fiori app My Area Of Responsibility – Production Supervisor allows users to choose their area of responsibility with respect to the orders to be displayed in the Manage Production Orders and Manage Production Operations apps. This feature increase flexibility, granularity, and ease in selecting the orders that are relevant to the user and enables mass assign/unassign of the Area of Responsibility (AOR).
Figure 10: New SAP Fiori app 'My Area Of Responsibility – Production Supervisors'
Manage Production Orders – New Progress Bar Chart, Additional Filter and Columns
In addition to the integration of the new SAP Fiori app My Area Of Responsibility – Production Supervisor the following enhancements have been made to the Manage Production Orders app:
Bar chart for displaying the progress of the operation in the worklist and in the Order Schedule section on the detail screen now comprises the confirmed scrap and rework quantities
Click on the bar chart to get a popup with a legend for the colors together with the different quantities
Display Time Zone and Entered By column in worklist
AddTime Zone filter criteria
Display confirmation long text of more than 30 characters in the Confirmation section on the detail screen
Watch the next video that shows the app enhancements.
Video 5: 'Manage Production Orders' app - enhancements
Manage Process Orders – Area of Responsibility - Resource
The Manage Process Orders app now supports the Area of Responsibility - Resource in addition to the Area of Responsibility - Production Supervisor.
Figure 11: Resource AOR added in 'Manage Process Orders' app
With 2302, the new features are available in the Manage FMEAs app:
Create Preventive and Detection Actions for Causes on the Optimization Tab
You can now create preventive actions and detection actions for causes and delete actions on the Optimization tab, edit action data on the details page of an action, and delete actions.
Edit FMEA Action Data on the Details Page of an Action
From the Optimization tab you can navigate to the FMEA action sub object page and display and edit FMEA action data on the details page of an action.
Figure 13: 'Manage FMEAs' app - Edit FMEA Action Data on the Details Page
Grouping in FMEA Functional and Failure Mode Net
In the graphical views for functions and failure modes, the objects belonging to an FMEA are now displayed in groups. Hence, you can collapse and expand those groups so that you can better focus on specific FMEAs in the net.
Figure 14: 'Manage FMEAs' app - Grouping in FMEA Functional and Failure Mode Net
In addition, the system determines the worst rating of all causes that are linked to a failure mode and enters this worst rating for the failure mode
Manage Usage Decisions - Support for serialized Materials: Clear Stock Selection
With the Manage Usage Decisions app, you can now use the Clear Stock Selection button on the usage decision details page to deselect stock types for inspection units before you post.
Figure 15: 'Manage Usage Decisions' app - Support for serialized Materials: Clear Stock Selection
Determination of Code Groups and Codes Using BRFplus
Now, you can define rules and set up automatic determination of defect codes and code groups
in the Record Inspection Results app using Business Rule Framework plus (BRFplus).
The new SAP Fiori App Determination of Defect Code Groups and Codes enables you to specify the rules in BRFplus decision tables. You can define rules for defect categories Inspection Lot (01), Inspection Operation (02), and Inspection Characteristic (03).
Figure 16: New SAP Fiori App 'Determination of Defect Code Groups and Codes'
When you create a defect during results recording a proposal of defect codes is given based on the defined rules considering parameters such as material, material group, plant, inspection type, or work center.
Figure 17: 'Record Inspection Results' app - Proposal of defect codes based on the defined rules
The Manage Defects app offers the new button Transfer Defects to Notification that enables you to transfer defects to quality notifications and carry out further processing in the notification.
Figure 18: 'Manage Defects' app - New button 'Transfer Defects to Notification'
You can transfer defects to an existing quality notification or create a new quality notification. The defect data is transferred to a notification item. You can still display the defect for information purposes, but you can no longer edit it. Further processing of the data is done in the quality notification.
Figure 19: 'Manage Defects' app - Transfer Defects to existing quality notification or create a new quality notification
Administrators can use the generic extensibility options in SAP S/4HANA Cloud, public edition (Custom Fields and Custom Logic apps) to add fields and related functionality in the application for quality notifications. You can use custom fields within quality notifications on header and item level.
Integration of Internal Problem Notification with SAP Quality Issue Resolution
Since 2208 release, the integration of SAP Quality Issue Resolution with SAP S/4HANA Cloud, public edition is available (see my 2208 blog post) and supports the quality notification types Q1 (Customer Complaint) and Q2 (Complaint against Supplier).
Now, you can start a problem-solving process in SAP Quality Issue Resolution for an internal problem notification (notification type Q3). The default follow-up action SAP_QNIP (Start Internal Problem-Solving) is provided for this purpose.
Figure 22: Company using Quality Management with SAP S/4HANA and SAP Quality Issue Resolution
International Address Versions in Quality Certificates
You can now use International Address Versions (IAV) in quality certificates, which enables
you to print addresses in different fonts depending on the country you are shipping to.
Quality certificate now supports International Address Versions (IAV). With this feature, you can generate quality certificate in the language of the shipping country using the respective characters or fonts of the shipping country (e.g. Chinese or Japanese fonts).
Figure 23: Quality Certificates - Print addresses in different fonts depending on the country you are shipping to
Handling Multiple Addresses
The quality certificate standard form displays customer address field per default. You can now select an alternative address during quality certificate creation when several addresses exist in the sales and distribution (SD) document. Note that this feature is only available when multiple address handling for SD documents using SAP Business Partner is active in your system.
In addition, the SOAP service Quality Certificate Information - Read (B2B) can handle multiple addresses for certificate recipients, that is, sold-to party and ship-to party. The addresses are derived from the corresponding delivery document.
Figure 24: Handle different addresses for sold-to party and ship-to party in the message for electronic transfer via SOAP (Simple Object Access Protocol)
BAdI: Change of Specification When Plan Transferred to Inspection Lot
In the Business Add-In (BAdI) Change of Specification When Plan Transferred to Inspection Lot (Cloud) (QASDR_PLAN_TO_INSPECTION_CLD), allows you to use the extensibility fields you have defined for inspection lots as import parameters.
You can create additional inspection plan characteristics or change settings for inspection plan characteristics during creation of the inspection lot, that is, before inspection specifications are transferred to the inspection lot.
For example, the BAdI enables you to do the following:
Change control indicators of inspection plan characteristics
Create additional inspection plan characteristics
Hide inspection plan characteristics
BAdI: Checks Before Logical Deletion of Quality Notifications and Notification Items
Now, you can perform additional checks when deleting a quality notification or a quality notification item with these BAdIs:
(Execution of Checks Before Logical Deletion of Quality Notifications)
(Execution of Checks Before Logical Deletion of Quality Notification Items)
Default implementations for the new BAdI definitions are available with regards to integration with SAP Quality Issue Resolution (problem-solving process); these can also be used as examples for other customer implementations.
Figure 25: Warning information processed by the BAdI default implementation when you try to delete a quality notification item.
CDS Views for Inspection Plan
In addition to the variety of new CDS views described in the What's New document, I would like to point out here the new C1-released CDS views for Inspection Plan:
Version of Material Assgmt in Insp Plan
Version of Inspection Plan Operation
Version of Insp Plan Characteristic
Note: The above used release classification term C1 is a Release Contract that will be explained in the next chapter for Developer Extensibility.
Developer Extensibility is new as of the 2208 release. The next figure shows the big picture of extensibility capabilities in SAP S/4HANA Cloud, public edition.
Figure 26: Big Picture of Extensibility in SAP S/4HANA Cloud, public edition
The following Release Contracts are available:
C0 - Extensibility contract: Qualification for extensibility; guaranteed stability for keys enabling extensibility, RAP extensibility
C1 - System internal contract: Visibility in key user tools/ Visibility in cloud development tools; guaranteed stability of essential properties enabling reuse by customer
C2 - Remote API contract: Qualification as remote API; not visible in key user tools, but the ODATA service which is based on the view has been published on the SAP API Hub; guaranteed stability of semantical and technical properties enabling use as remote API
If you have missed the live session about Manufacturing in our SAP S/4HANA Cloud, Public Edition 2302: Early Release Series, watch out the replay on demand! In the Manufacturing session, starting at 0:38:12 my colleague Niklas Meinert explains the extensibility model and presents the demo example Build a Custom Process Based on Standard Business Objects Using Developer Extensibility that is published on the SAP Extensibility Explorer. The scenario extends the standard process order, followed by scheduling a custom application job that evaluates the process order to create defects. The video below shows Niklas' demo part, which I cut from the recording of the session.
Curious about Developer Extensibility in Manufacturing? Success of all Extension Projects depends on a rich set of local APIs, documented on SAP API Business Hub.
Here is a list of released RAP business objects for line of business Manufacturing:
Watch the Replays of Our SAP S/4HANA Cloud, Public Edition 2302 Early Release Series!
We’ve hosted a series of compelling live sessions from the heart of the SAP S/4HANA Engineering organization. Missed the live sessions? Watch our replays on demand!
Among the replays, you can find a 60-minute replay, a presentation, and demos for manufacturing as part of the SAP S/4HANA Cloud, public edition 2302 release as well as 19 other sessions on diverse topics like supply chain, asset management, finance, two-tier ERP, SAP User Experience, developer extensibility, and many more. For more information on the SAP S/4HANA Cloud, Public Edition Early Release Series and how to sign up for it, see this link.
For more information on SAP S/4HANA Cloud, public edition check out the following links:
SAP S/4HANA Cloud, Public Edition Release Info Here