From S/4HANA 1610 the process for adapting Analytical Tiles and Overview Page Cards has been simplified. This blog gives a step-by-step explanation of the new approach.

One of the first activities after activating all the S/4HANA apps in scope is to adjust the currency and threshold values of analytical tiles. This includes both Smart Business tiles and Overview Page Cards.
Prior to S/4HANA 1610 this involved a rather tedious process of copy the tile configuration and its dependent evaluations and then assigning it to a new Tile Catalog as described in
SAP Note 2384598 - Steps to change the default parameter values of a Smart Business KPI and in the
Step-by-Step guide to modifying currencies in standard KPI tiles
With S/4HANA 1610 default values in delivered analytical tiles can be edited directly. The changes are separate to the original tile and attached to a transport request. This means the changes can be made in a development environment and transported across the system landscape. It’s also possible to revert back to the original settings.
Now of course if we want to create a brand new tile reusing the same Core Data Services (CDS) view we would can still follow the copy-and-modify process described in the SAP Note, or simply create a new configuration from scratch.
Pre-requisites for editing S/4HANA Smart Business Tiles – new approach:
- S/4HANA 1610 (or above)
- Analytics Specialist user id with the SAP_BR_ANALYTICS_SPECIALIST role or equivalent access to the Smart Business Modeler Design Time apps
- User id with the relevant Business Role that displays the tile on the Fiori Launchpad
- Access to the S/4HANA 1610 Fiori Launchpad
- A client-independent customizing request assigned to the Analytics Specialist user id
Steps for editing S/4HANA Smart Business Tiles – new approach:
- Identify the tile and evaluation name
- Find the tile in the KPI Workspace app
- Edit the evaluation
- Activate and assign the changes to a transport request
- Test the Tile Changes
We can also:
- Edit Overview Pages and Other KPI Tiles with Multiple Evaluations
- Revert the Changes
Let’s take this step by step.
Identify the Tile and Evaluation Name
We first need to know what the tile is called.
We logon to the Fiori Launchpad as the business role user and find the tile.
Remember that tiles may appear directly on the Fiori Launchpad or in the App Finder. If you know the partial name of the tile you can also find it using the Fiori Search bar at the top of the Fiori Launchpad.
Note down the name of the tile and the evaluation name. In the following example the tile name is “Purchase Order Value” and the evaluation name is “Last 365 Days”.
Optionally we could find the tile in the tile catalog of the Launchpad Designer. However as a business role can contain tiles from multiple catalogs some of which may be referenced, the easiest approach is to use a user with the appropriate business role.
Find the Tile in the KPI Workspace
Next we logon to the Fiori Launchpad as an Analytics Specialist user – or at least as a user with access to the KPI Design apps. There are several of these apps, but only one we need for this process – the KPI Workspace app.
The KPI Workspace app follows the master/detail floorplan. Within the app, use the search bar in the master pane to search for the tile by name.
Edit the Evaluation
The evaluations of the tile are listed in the Information pane. Simply find the evaluation and navigate to the evaluation by selecting it (it’s a standard expand “>” icon).
To put the evaluation in Edit mode, we simply press the “Edit” button.
Scroll down through the evaluation to find the default values we want to change.
For example we might want to change the currency from the default EUR (Euro) to our local currency such as AUD (Australian Dollars). So we are looking for any reference to a currency code.
Overwrite the existing value with our new value. In our example we overwrite the default currency code EUR with a local currency code AUD.
Activate and Assign the changes to a Transport Request
To apply our changes we press the Activate button. This gives us the option to assign the changes to a client-independent customizing request using the dropdown value list in the Save Transport dialog.
HINT: We can use Local Object – however of course we would only do that if the S/4HANA was a trial system or throwaway prototype.
Testing the Tile changes
To test our changes we simply logon to the Fiori Launchpad as our business role user and check the values are reflected correctly.
TIP: Don’t forget you may need to clear the UI5 caches as you would for any app changes.
Editing Overview Pages and KPI tiles with Multiple Evaluations
When using an Overview Page or KPI tile with multiple evaluations we start the same way – selecting any one of the evaluations we want to change.
We can then use the up/down arrow head icons in the top right hand corner to move between the related evaluations.
The rest of the process is the same – we simply find and change the default values in edit mode, and assign the changes to a transport request.
Reverting the Changes
If we make a mistake or change our minds, reverting the changes is just as easy. Once an evaluation has been edited, the Revert button will appear on the footer bar. Simply press the revert button and confirm via the pop-up.
And that’s all there is to it!
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