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A common use case in business system landscapes with multiple applications is the navigation to business documents and master data objects across applications.

SAP Business ByDesign supports this use case by providing parameterized URLs, that can be used by external applications to launch ByD UIs and open ByD business documents. In ByD this integration point is called External Object-Based Navigation or short External OBN.

This document describes how to assemble parameterized URLs for External Object-Based Navigation.


URL Schema and Parameter

The URL schema for External Object-Based Navigation is

<hostname>/sap/public/ap/ui/runtime?bo_ns=<namespace>&bo=<business object name>&node=<business object node name>&operation=<OBN operation>&object_key=<BO instance key value>&key_type=<key type>&param=<additional parameter>

URL Parameter:


URL encoded BO namespace like specified in the OBN in-port


URL encoded BO name like specified in the OBN in-port


URL encoded node name like specified in the OBN in-port


URL encoded OBN operation like specified in the OBN in-port


optional: URL encoded BO instance UUID, no "-" separator is allowed and all characters must be upper case


optional: BO instance key type (technical name of the Global Data Type)


optional: any additional flat parameter that is required by the OBN in-port


optional: disable SSO


optional: specify the language to open the screen; for example:


SAP partners can get the URL parameter values using the UI Designer of the SAP Cloud Applications Studio. You find the URL parameter values in the Inport Configuration of the corresponding ByD UI screen.
Alternatively you get the parameter values from the ByD Debug-Console: press SHIFT+CTRL+ALT+D for 5 seconds and check the information provided on the Development Console.

Please note that ByD screens support external object-based navigation only if the UI screen provides a stable anchor and is released for external navigation.

The object key is typically the business document UUID. You get these UUIDs from ByD query and read web service APIs or the output management xml integration. If you create business documents using web service APIs, then you can pick the business document UUID from the web service response as well.

You find more information about ByD web service APIs and ByD integration scenarios on SAP Help: SAP Business ByDesign – SAP Help Portal Page.

The deprecated endpoints /sap/public/byd/runtime and /sap/byd/nav are still supported for compatibility reasons, but should not be used anymore.
New features will be supported for the new endpoint /sap/public/ap/ui/runtime only.
The endpoint /sap/byd/runtime is no valid endpoint for External OBN, but launches the “normal” ByD UI.



Launch supplier overview of supplier with UUID 0000000000011DEFBA9FCC99416B7576:

Some applications/browsers may require URLs without special characters. In this case replace the characters ":" and "/" in parameter bo_ns by the corresponding %-syntax:






Single Sign-On (SSO):

Logon using single sign-on can be implemented by using the corresponding single sign-on hostname.


Logon using SSO


Logon without SSO

with parameter &saml2=disabled

Logon without SSO by using the SSO hostname
with disabled SSO (not recommended)



Example URLs

Supplier Overview: Launch supplier factsheet of supplier Miller&Son (ID S100700, UUID 0000000000011DEFBA9FCC99416B7576😞



Account Overview: Launch account factsheet of account Almika Inc. (ID 1000000, UUID 0000000000011DDFB9FF7CEB3214ABF2😞



Business Partner Overview: Launch business partner factsheet of business partner HPA Sweden (ID CP100993, UUID 0000000000011DDFBA8490E446493CE3):



Contact Overview: Launch contact factsheet of contact Peter Shaw (ID 7, UUID 0000000000011DDFBA8490EA2E421CE3😞



Material: Launch material factsheet of material P100101 - Heater (22.8 KW) (ID P100101, UUID 0000000000011DEFBAEA3D295D4F87A6😞



Service Overview: Launch service factsheet of service product 300002 - Engineer (ID 300002, UUID 0000000000011ED083A11BE19763A75F😞



Purchase Order Overview: Launch purchase order factsheet of purchase order 225 using the PO UUID 0000000000011EE18AFB8B871861C45F:



Supplier Invoice Overview: Launch supplier invoice factsheet

... using the invoice ID 820:


... using the invoice UUID 0000000000011DEFBEB1F2413765FEA4:



Opportunity: Launch opportunity UI

... using the opportunity 1171:


... using the opportunity UUID 00163E04F79D1EE3AFC592CAFF2317D0:



Sales Quote: Launch the factsheet of sales quote 421:



Sales Order: Launch sales order factsheet

… using the sales order ID 1096:


… and using the sales order UUID 0000000000011ED087AC4D40499ADB24:



Customer Contract: Launch the contract overview

… using the contract ID 51:


… and using the contract UUID 00163E18-4318-1ED7-B9B2-84A6FC3E8061:



Service Request: Launch the service request overview

… using the service request ID 1311:


… and using the service request UUID FA163EDC-0899-1EED-95DA-315C687DC0D2:



Service Order: Launch the service order overview

… using the service order ID 1033:


… and using the service order UUID 00163E63-3CEC-1ED8-A5AC-B60FAC0D6918:



Customer Invoice: Launch customer invoice factsheet

... using the invoice ID 1INV-88-2015:


... using the invoice UUID 00163E0E25A61ED5A3C0CE5B77268C36:



Project Overview: Launch project factsheet

...using the project ID CPSO3:


... using the project UUID 00163E04472B1EE2B28E10DAAC413856:



Project Task Overview: Launch project task factsheet of project task CPSO3_3110 - Software Set-Up & Configuration with UUID 00163E04472B1EE2B28E10DAAC44B856:



Outbound Delivery Overview: Launch outbound delivery overview of outbound delivery 55 with UUID 00163E0658BA1EE69DB1D65F7DD94321:



Incoming Cash Payment Overview: Launch incoming cash payment overview of the payment monitor:



Edit Time Sheet: Launch the screen to edit time sheets:



Business configuration change project: Launch the project overview of a change project:



External OBN for ByD Add-on Screens

You can as well launch custom screens created for a ByD Add-on with the SAP Cloud Applications Studio. This chapter describes how to enable custom factsheet screens and quick activity screens for external object-based navigation and how the parameterized URL looks like.

Quick Activity Screens:

  1. Create the business object quick activity screen. Here I assume you used the option "Create New Screens > Screens Scenario with Navigation".

  2. Open the quick activity screen using the UI Designer and look for the Event Handler with parameters
    - Type: BOOperation
    - BO Operation Type: Read
    - Parameters > Type: keyNavigation
    Example: Event Handler EditHandlerSysPTP:

  3. Get the values of the properties BO, Namespace, Node and Operation from the Inport:

    Note: Alternatively you can as well open the quick activity screen on the ByD UI and get the parameter values from the ByD Debug-Console: press SHIFT+CTRL+ALT+D for 5 seconds and check the information provided on the Development Console.

Launch the Add-on Quick Activity screen using the URL:



Factsheet Screens:

  1. Create the business object factsheet screen using the option "Create New Screens > Screen Type > Fact Sheet (FS)".

  2. Open the related Work Center View screen using the UI Designer and assign the factsheet screen to the work center view screen (work center view properties > Assigned Objects). This step is required to be able to add the factsheet to the authorization profile of users.

  3. Open the factsheet screen using the UI Designer.

  4. Open the factsheet screen Data Model and create a field OBN_NAV_KEY on root level.
    For example:

  5. Create a factsheet Event Handler with the following properties:
    - Type: BOOperation
    - BO Operation Type: Read
    - Parameters > Type: keyNavigation
    - Parameters > Bind: /Root/OBN_NAV_KEY

  6. Create a factsheet Inport with the following properties:
    - Check box OBN Inport
    - Select BO Based
    - Select Namespace: <your solution namespace>
    - Select BOModel: <your business object name>
    - Select Operation: Open
    - PortType Package: <your business object port type package>
    - PortType Reference: OpenByKey
    - ParameterName: Key
    - ParameterBinding: Root/Root/OBN_NAV_KEY
    In the factsheet Inport properties, enter the event:
    - OnFire: <your event handler from step 5>

  7. Get the values of the properties BO, Namespace, Node and Operation from the factsheet Inport.
    Note: Alternatively you can as well open the quick activity screen on the ByD UI and get the parameter values from the ByD Debug-Console: press SHIFT+CTRL+ALT+D for 5 seconds and check the information provided on the Development Console.

Launch the Add-on Factsheet screen using the URL:
