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How to Use Situation Handling


You can use situation handling to highlight urgent or important issues, and even to provide recommendations on how to resolve critical situations.

Compared with the traditional method of tackling an urgent situation, the situation handling framework is more proactive and allows for automatic notification. For more information, see Situation Handling.

In the Sales area, we enable the sales quotation situation handling use case since S/4HANA Cloud 1911.

It helps end users to monitor sales quotation situation with higher efficiency. The typical case is to notify internal sales representative or related business person of quotations which are about to expire but have a low conversion rate.

How to Configure Situation Handling for Sales Quotation

Key users (With role SAP_BR_BPC_EXPERT) can use the Manage Situation Types app to specify message text and notification recipients.

First open app Manage Situation Types, search for the situation template SD_EXPIRING_QUOTATION.

Select the template and choose Copy.

On the situation type creation screen, create a situation type as follows:

1. In the Admin Information area, specify the situation type ID.

2. In the Conditions area, the default condition values are copied from template as:

  • Conversion Rate <= 10%

  • Days Before Expiry <= 7 days

    Besides these two KPI filters, we also offer many other filters. You can adjust condition values according to your business requirements.

    You can add condition groups by choosing + or Copy.

    3. In the Batch Job Scheduling area, you can specify a schedule based on which the situation checks for the defined conditions. In this example, a daily job is scheduled as follows:

    4. In the Situation Display area, you can configure the text content of the notification and message according to your requirements.

    You can use curly brackets (containing a technical field) to add quotation-related field values to your text. After you enter “{”, a selection list containing all available technical fields is displayed.

    5. In the Notification Recipients area, we enable two ways of specifying recipients:

    • Responsibility by Teams: You can determine notification recipients by selecting responsibility definitions and member functions that are mapped to a team category. For more information, see Manage Teams and Responsibilities

      • Responsibility Rules: Assign rules by selecting +. We predefined three rules:

        • Notify responsible employee

        • Notify sales employee

        • Notify creator of quotation

          Now you have finished all mandatory configurations about this situation type. Save the type and enable it.

          After the type is enabled, the predefined recipients will receive a notification if there is a situation matching your conditions.

          Click the notification or open the Sales Quotation object page. The situation message is displayed in the way you have defined earlier.

          Once this situation has been handled or the information is no longer valid, you can dismiss this situation.