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SAP Business ByDesign supports Supplier Invoice Processing using Evaluated Receipt Settlements (ERS Invoices).

In general you have three possibilities to create ERS invoices:

  1. You create a ERS purchase order and schedule an ERS run. As result ByD generates ERS invoices automatically.

  2. You create a "Manual ERS Invoice" via UI work center "Supplier Invoicing" and common task "New ERS Invoice"

  3. You create a "Manual ERS Invoice with External Application" (aka "External ERS Invoice") using web service ManageSupplierInvoiceIn.

You find more details in the ByD Help Center document "Supplier Invoice Processing Using Evaluated Receipt Settlements".


How to create ERS invoices using web service API ManageSupplierInvoiceIn?

Creating an ERS Invoice via web service API ManageSupplierInvoiceIn is almost the same as creating other external invoices: You just have to add element ManualEntryERSIndicator = true to the web service request.

Example web service request:
<soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/" xmlns:glob="http://sap.com/xi/SAPGlobal20/Global">
<!--<UUID></UUID> required for idem potency-->
<SupplierInvoice actionCode="01" itemListCompleteTransmissionIndicator="false">
<!--004 invoice | 005 credit memo-->
<!--<SupplierInvoiceID></SupplierInvoiceID> ERS invoice use internal number ranges-->
<MEDIUM_Name>Supplier CM with deviating bank account</MEDIUM_Name>
<!--ERS invoices: Gross amount and tax amount are calculated by the system-->
<!--<GrossAmount currencyCode="EUR">119</GrossAmount>
<TaxAmount currencyCode="EUR">19</TaxAmount>-->
<!--2 = save SIV | 3 = post SIV-->
<!--ERS invoice: There is no customer invoice-->
<!--<CustomerInvoiceReference actionCode="04">
<BuyerParty actionCode="01">
<SellerParty actionCode="01">
<!--Deviating bank account or payment block-->
<PaymentControl ActionCode="04" BankTransferListCompleteTransmissionIndicator="false">
<!--Payment methods: 04 Direct Debit (SEPA), 13 Direct Debit (Authorization for Payer’s Bank), 05 Bank Transfer-->
<!--The visibility of the Deviating Bank Information tab in the UI is controlled by the Payment Form Code = 05-->
<!--Payment Blocking Reason: 2 Complaint, 3 Payment method changed, 4 Other reason, ...-->
<!--Note: Payment reason-->
<Note languageCode="EN">My Note transfered along with the payment</Note>
<BankTransfer ActionCode="01">
<TextCollection ActionCode="01" TextListCompleteTransmissionIndicator="true">
<Text ActionCode="01">
<TextContent ActionCode="01">
<Text languageCode="EN">Text on header level</Text>

<!--Item: invoice item with product category-->
<Item actionCode="01">
<!--002 invoice item | 003 credit memo item-->
<SHORT_Description languageCode="EN">Item Description of prod. category item</SHORT_Description>
<Quantity unitCode="EA">1</Quantity>
<NetAmount currencyCode="EUR">100</NetAmount>
<!--<GrossAmount currencyCode="EUR">100</GrossAmount>-->
<StartDateTime timeZoneCode="CET">2018-06-20T00:00:00Z</StartDateTime>
<EndDateTime timeZoneCode="CET">2018-06-21T00:00:00Z</EndDateTime>
<Product actionCode="01">
<AccountingCodingBlockDistribution AccountingCodingBlockAssignmentListCompleteTransmissionIndicator="true" ActionCode="01">
<AccountingCodingBlockAssignment ActionCode="01">
<!--ACC, CC-->
<ProductTax actionCode="01">
<!--1 non-taxable | 2 stanadard tax-->
<ProductTaxationCharacteristicsCode listID="21801">1</ProductTaxationCharacteristicsCode>
<MaintenanceTextCollection TextListCompleteTransmissionIndicator="true" ActionCode="01">
<!--Internal comment in English-->
<Text ActionCode="01">
<!--10011 internal comment | 10015 remark from supplier-->
<TextContent ActionCode="01">
<Text languageCode="EN">23 My internal comment: Hello World</Text>
<!--Remark from supplier in English-->
<Text ActionCode="01">
<!--10011 internal comment | 10015 remark from supplier-->
<TextContent ActionCode="01">
<Text languageCode="EN">Hello World</Text>

<!--Item: credit memo item as free text item-->
<Item actionCode="01">
<!--002 invoice item | 003 credit memo item-->
<SHORT_Description languageCode="EN">Item Description of free text item</SHORT_Description>
<Quantity unitCode="EA">1</Quantity>
<NetAmount currencyCode="EUR">250</NetAmount>
<!--<GrossAmount currencyCode="EUR">150</GrossAmount>-->
<AccountingCodingBlockDistribution AccountingCodingBlockAssignmentListCompleteTransmissionIndicator="true" ActionCode="01">
<AccountingCodingBlockAssignment ActionCode="01">
<!--ACC, CC-->
<ProductTax actionCode="01">
<!--1 non-taxable | 2 stanadard tax-->
<ProductTaxationCharacteristicsCode listID="21801">1</ProductTaxationCharacteristicsCode>

<!--Item: invoice item with service product-->
<Item actionCode="01">
<!--002 invoice item | 003 credit memo item-->
<!--<SHORT_Description languageCode="EN">Item Description of product item</SHORT_Description>-->
<Quantity unitCode="HUR">1</Quantity>
<NetAmount currencyCode="EUR">50</NetAmount>
<!--<GrossAmount currencyCode="EUR">119</GrossAmount>-->
<Product actionCode="01">
<AccountingCodingBlockDistribution AccountingCodingBlockAssignmentListCompleteTransmissionIndicator="true" ActionCode="01">
<AccountingCodingBlockAssignment ActionCode="01">
<!--ACC, CC-->
<!--Tax code will be derived from product-->
<ProductTax actionCode="01">
<ProductTaxationCharacteristicsCode listID="21801">1</ProductTaxationCharacteristicsCode>


Some Remarks:

  • The resulting entry method of ERS invoices created via web service API is "ERS with External Application".

  • ByD calculates the total gross/net amount and tax amount of ERS invoices automatically it the corresponding elements are not submitted with the web service request.

  • In a manual and external ERS invoices you cannot enter a reference to a ERS purchase order.

  • ERS invoices are always using the standard internal number range defined by SAP and hence do not provide element SupplierInvoiceID in the web service request.

  • The approval of manual and external ERS invoices is supported by the ByD approval app - just like any other invoice as well.

  • The supplier invoice web service API supports contract references in supplier invoice items.

    If you use purchasing contracts with manual/external ERS invoices, then the following settings in the contract items are the right ones:

    • Goods receipt expected: true (The GR expected indicator need to be set due to a check in the contract, but has no impact in this case)

    • Evaluated Receipt Settlement: true

    • Invoice Expected: false