How to create dashboards and KPI variants to track...
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With the embedded analytics of SAP Business ByDesign it is possible to:
Define, use & adapt dashboards with free definition of key figures & drill-down
Embed highly aggregated key performance indicators (KPI) with target, reference and threshold values
Directly navigate to the full report or transactions
How can this be leveraged for marketing success tracking by creating a variant of a highly aggregated KPI?
In the demo below you see how you can take an existing overall lead volume KPI and adapt it to track only a subset of leads:
If you do not have access to a 1811 SAP Business ByDesign reference system in which you find the "Lead Quantity and Quality" KPI you can find below what needs to be done to set this up.
Setup of the source and variant KPI for "Lead Quantity and Quality"
The KPI is based on the "Lead Funnel" report which you can find in the "Managing my area" work center for sales and marketing managers. Of course you can use also any other lead report as the basis. In order to adapt the report view and selection for your needs and to make it available for any user you need to do the changes in the "Business Analytics" work center:
In the Business Analytics work center you can also create and change KPI's. In the following can you see the settings for the Leads KPI's.
a.) General KPI settings: Here you reuse the views and selections (e.g. current year) from the "Lead Funnel" report
b.) KPI Values and Thresholds: Again you can reuse the views and selections (e.g. last year) from the report
c.) KPI Filters: These are the dimensions which will in the next step allow you to create a variant for a subset of all leads
d.) KPI Variants: The "Leads from internal Sources" is the variant I created during the demo.
e.) Settings for the new KPI variant:
f.) KPI filter values for the variant: In the example I select only the leads created by campaigns, roadshows and trade fairs
More details on customer analytics can be found here: