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Product and Topic Expert

SAP key user tools can support end user to create their own queries based on Cubes. In this blog, we use Sales analytics query as example.

Needed Roles: SAP_BR_ANALYTICS_SPECIALIST (Create Customizing Queries) and SAP_BR_SALES_MANAGER (Show sales analytics data)

1. Open Tile Custom Analytical Queries

2. Click New to create new query. Add Query Name and Data Source (e.g. I_BillingDocumentItemCube), then Click OK

3. Select required fields in section “Field Selection” (e.g. Sales Volume Qty, Credit Memos Qty, Sales Volume, Credit Memos, Billing Document, Billing Document Item, etc.)

4. In section “Display”, click “Add”->”Add Calculated Measure” to add a new field with customizing logic.(e.g. Input label and Expression “Sales Volume Qty – Credit Memos Qty”).

5. In section "Filters", set some filters on dimension if neccesary. then Save draft and Publish.

6. Preview the content of custom analytical query by click “Preview” button.

You should be able to find the customizing field(dimentions and measures) in the preview table, and you can check the preview data if it as expected.

7. Save the custom analytical report to your homepage of launchpad.

If you want to open the custom analytical report more conveniently, you can use "Save as Tile" function to save it as a Tile in your Launchpad.

Note: the "Save as Tile" is available/visiable only for you.

7.1 Fill the necessary information for a local tile

7.2 Then you can use the saved Tile in Launchpad to show your customizing queries directly.

8. Create application and assign it to busienss catalog

If you want to share the custom analytical report to others which means the report can be visible and accessed by authorized users.

8.1 Create application.

  • Open the tile "View Brower".

  • Select the custom analytical query which you created, and click "Create Application".

  • After the applicatoin is created, you can see the Application ID available to the custom analytical query

  • Click the Application Id link then a popup dialog will display, click "View in Catalog" to navigate to the App "Custom Catalog Extensions"

8.2 Add custom analytical query/application to business catalog

  • In the App "Custom Catalog Extensions"(opened last step), click "Add" button then a business catalog value help dialog will popup, search the business catalog

  • Select the business catalog(s) which you want to publish, click "Publish"

  • Click "Check" to check and show message

  • The custom analytical application/report should be available to the user who has been assigned the business catalog(s).

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