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This blog post is part of a series called “Tip of the Week”. In this week's tip. we''ll see how to manage your cash incomes.

Cards and apps are easy to pay with. They are considered safe and their popularity is rising rapidly due to the COVID19 situation. And cash? Cash is here to stay. Well, at least for the foreseen future. There are places where favoring cash has deep cultural roots - it stands for simplicity and trust. In addition, many mentors for wise consumption encourage using cash - "when you have to physically give money you spend less" they say. If your business receives cash payments you are well aware of all the pros and cons. SAP Business One supports cash payments and enables you to define for each user the maximal cash amount s/he is allowed to record in incoming payments:


This way the given user can receive only cash amounts according to the defined limit and when trying to create incoming payment for greater cash amount a system message asking for authorized user permission appears.

If you want to forbid a certain user creating incoming payments for cash - set the authorization "Cash Receipt" to "No Authorization":

Available in SAP Business One and SAP Business One, version for SAP HANA.

I hope you found this information helpful and as always, I’m looking forward to your feedback in the comments section below. If you do have questions about SAP Business One, feel free to ask them here in SAP Community Q&A. This tip and all other tips can be found in the tag tipoftheweek. To receive notifications about new related blog posts, please follow my profile and #communications. Also, check out our SAP Business One Community page with lots of helpful links and resources.
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