This blog post is part of a series called “Tip of the Week”.
The more the merrier. Is that so? in many companies there is the solid employees base – the ones that work on a regular basis, and there are the temporary employees that join the workforce from time to time - e.g. to help in holidays season or year-end. When these employees complete their tasks, and business is back to normal, it is most convenient to lock their users until next time and this way no one can log on with it.
But what about the long list of users - when setting authorizations or assigning licenses? The locked users appear there, making the list longer than it actually is. From now on - it's up to you! SAP Business One enables you to hide the locked users in Authorizations and License Administration windows:
By default, this option is not selected and all users are shown.
Available in SAP Business One 10.0 FP 2008 and SAP Business One 10.0 FP 2008, version for SAP HANA.
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