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In this blog I will explain how the to analyze Production Order and Lots by Dates and Quantities'.

Production Managers typically want to analyze the production orders and lots with respect to planned and actual (start and end) dates together with the quantities. This comprises also the production duration considering actual production start and production end date and eventually delays either of the production start or the production end dates.

With the new “Production Order/Lot: Dates and Quantities” report and data source [SCMPOHDROPU02] we provide production order/lot date information combined with quantity information.

You find in this report the most important dates from the production lot: latest start (planned date), latest end (planned date), (actual) production start and (actual) production end. These are used for key figure calculations and these - among others - can be used for selection.

Production Order/Lots with Actual Duration and Production Delay


We offer 3 new calculated key figures ‘Actual duration’, the ‘Production End Delay’ as well as the ‘Production Start Delay’. For each, we offer variants showing the results in days, hours or minutes. You can use also the respective pre-delivered views for your convenience.

  • The Key Figure ‘Actual duration’ compares the actual ‘Production Start’ date and the actual ‘Production End’ date of the Production Lot, calculates the difference, and hence providing the duration of the production order or lot.

  • The Key Figure ‘Production End Delay’ compares the planned ‘Latest End’ date and the actual ‘Production End’ date of the Production Lot. It calculates the deviation, and in case of a delay it shows it in the key figure in either days, hours or minutes.

  • The Key Figure ‘Production Start Delay’ compares the planned ‘Latest Start’ date and the actual ‘Production Start’ date of the Production Lot. It calculates the deviation, and in case of a delay shows it in the key figure in either days, hours or minutes.

Additionally, you find in this report the planned, open, and fulfilled quantities as key figures.

An Example for the calculation in days you find in the following screenshots:

Report Production Order/Lot: Dates and Quantities: Example


Production Lot and its Date Fields


Actual Duration:

  • Production End 14. Oct. 2020 – Production Start 7. Oct. 2020 --> 7 days of duration.

Production Start Delay:

  • Latest Start and Production Start is both 7. Oct. 2020 --> 0 days of delay of production start.

Production End Delay:

  • Latest End is 13. Oct. 2020 and Production End is 14.Oct. 2020 --> 1 day of delay of production end.

You can also check the system demo in the video.