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In this blog post, we will see how to check and solve the error seen at the time of Balance Carryforward in SAP S/4HANA Cloud system.

Error message:

Fiscal year change in co.code XXXX possible only after year-end closing 20XX


The fiscal year change was not performed for company code XXXX as more than two fiscal years are open in Asset Accounting.


  • Check Legacy Data Transfer in Asset Accounting and close it.

  • Check and close last fiscal year.

You can follow these steps to check and fix the error:

1. Go and check to app 'Make Company Code settings'
2. Check the Ongoing Legacy Data Transfer segment in tab Legacy data transfer

3. Complete the Legacy data transfer segment

3. Close last fiscal year with app 'Schedule Asset Accounting Jobs'

4. Rerun Balance Carryforward


Lets see each of these steps in details.

Enter the App 'Make Company Code settings'



Select the appropriate company code and click 'Legacy Data Transfer' tab


Enter Edit mode by click 'Change/Display' button



Close the Legacy transfer segment as shown in the figure below. 



How to Close Last Fiscal Year - 


Go to App 'Schedule Asset Accounting Jobs'


Schedule job - Year-End Closing Asset Accounting and enter the year to close. Execute.



Rerun the Balance Carry Forward.

The error should now be fixed.

For more information or queries on above steps, check this help site.

Hope this blog post was helpful.