EC Payroll initially came with a middleware as explained earlier in the Blog
Successfactors Employee Central Payroll or On premise Payroll
Now with 1605, Net New customers no longer need a middleware such as Boomi or HCI to integrate EC with Employee Central Payroll (ECPay)
As explained the architecture for a Typical EC Payroll before release 1605 was as below, Note for EC on Premise Payroll customers the below diagram is still valid.
After 1605 Release, No HCI or BOOMI Skills are required and it eases further in System set up and provisioning
Important Point :
Employee Central payroll employee master data replication service does not support the creation of the Organizational unit.
And the well known PA-PD integration is not allowed in Employee Central payroll in general (only a few older customers are allowed to use it which are still using PA_SE_IN and which make use of the corresponding org data replication enterprise service for on Premise customers). PA-PD integration in general is only allowed for the OnPremise customers.
In case of Employee Central payroll it is only supported to transfer the texts of jobs and positions from EC to ECP.
You can check further here
You could fill it with the BAdI HRSFEC_B_CE_CHANGE_IT0001 of enhancement point HRSFEC_CE_MASTER_DATA_REPL.
You would need to map your Employee Central Department/Division ID to one of the valid Organizational Unit IDs you have saved in Employee Central payroll database table T527X. In case that the text of your EC org unit does not exist in table T527X you would need to fill it manually by means of view V_T527X and transaction sm30.
The Architecture looks as below
As you can see there is no middleware wherein making the replication faster. Also, with this approach No need to keep track on applying latest Boomi integration pack to get new functionality etc. All other functionality like EC TimeSheet Integration is released on PTP only henceforth from 1605 release.
One more important thing to remember there is no Integration Add on PA SE IN to be installed for this functionality as point-to-point replication is based on software component EA-HRRXX.
These are the typical configuration needs to be done
- Setup system connectivity
- Setup replication configuration
- Setup employee replication
- Setup EC Time Off replication
- Setup EC Timesheet replication
For existing Payroll Customers ie based on middleware replication :
- Immediate migration is not mandatory
- Future functionality such as new countries or EC Timesheet integration (1605) will only be available with P2P
- Customers who want to make use of new functionality have to migrate to P2P
- A set of tools is provided to automate migration and reduce errors and efforts
For the Migration Steps :
Please refer the SAP NOTE 2321421 - How to migrate from PA_SE_IN to EA-HR/PTP?
Refer the Customisation Steps here
SAP Customizing Implementation Guide > Personnel Management > Integration Settings for SuccessFactors Employee Central Payroll
P.S : For further details please see implementation guide on: