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To use the function of display in “Manage prices – Sales” app, there are some tips need to be noticed. we prepare some example of this function to let you more familiar of this app.

please check all the guide information following

1. How does dynamic filter fields/columns work


Filter fields and columns can be changed dynamically, it happens when you input different values in the header filter bar. To show dynamic filter fields/columns, proceed as follows:

Image/data in this guide is from SAP internal systems, sample data, or demo systems. Any resemblance to real data is purely coincidental.

Note: The term “Material” has been changed to “Product” in this app as of SAP S/4HANA Cloud 2005. In this blog, you may still find the obsolete term “Material” in the screenshots, which is now replaced with the term “Product” on the app’s UIs.


1. Set Condition Type in the header, filter fields will change by the value you input (E.g. PSP0). Then click the button Go. In the Condition Records columns, they will be dynamic changed by the condition type (PSP0), and display columns depend on your input (E.g. display columns belong to     PSP0 and some common columns).

Note: The dynamic filter fields/columns can determine specific fields, if you input too many condition types and key combinations in the filter bar, there will be many filter fields and columns displayed in one page which not efficient for the comparison of data. We recommend users input condition types and key combinations as few as possible, get rid of the filter values which are unrelated values in current displaying.

2. Continue to set Key Combination in header, filter fields will be changed by the new key combination (E.g. 304). Then click Go bottom again. The columns will also be changed. In the Condition Records columns, it display the fields of this specified condition type (PSP0) and key combination (304).

3. Delete the value in key Combination, then change value of Condition Type (E.g. PCP0). The filter fields and columns will dynamic change by this new condition type.

2. How to use filter method


This app support two filter method. One is “Filter with Applicable Criteria Only”, another is “Filter with Specified Criteria”. To use different filter method, proceed as follows:


1. Select filter method as Filter with Applicable Criteria Only.

Note: Filter with Applicable Criteria Only – you can search for condition records by specifying values, the specified condition type and key combination dynamically determine the relevant key fields. If you specify more than one condition type or key combination in the filter, when you specify the key fields, the relevant for any of the specified condition types are displayed. The result will contain not only the condition type which contains specified key fields, but also contains the condition type which not includes the key fields.

There could be cases in which a key field is not relevant for one of the condition types. If you want to ignore the irrelevant key field as a filter for that condition type, you can choose the filter method that uses only those criteria that are applicable. This allows you to compare the condition records that have different key fields.

2. Set Condition Type as PCP0 and PSP0 (this is just an example setting), set value for Customer Project ID which is the key of PCP0 and PSP0 does not contain this field.

3.  Click Go button, then condition records of PCP0 and PSP0 will be shown.

4.  Change the Filter Method to Filter with Specified Criteria.

Note: Filter with Specified Criteria – If you specify more than one condition type or key combination in the filter, then specify the key fields. This method allows you compare the condition records with same specified key fields. The result will only contain the condition type which contains specified key fields.

6. Click Go button, there only PCP0 lines will be shown in the condition records columns.

3. How to use condition record line operation


There are some line operations are supported, like sort/group/freeze. To use condition record line operations, proceed as follows:


1. Select any column (E.g. Valid To), then right click on the column tab. You can choose Sort Ascending or Sort Descending to use sort function. Condition records will sort by this column. This sort method works on the same Editing Status which means if you sort ascending, the draft status condition records and the unchanged status condition records will sort separately.

Note:  If you click Go button without any input values in header, all columns will be shown. So, we kindly suggest customer to use the header filter.

Note: This release, we do not provide the condition record total number in the app Manage Prices - Sales.

2. Select any column (E.g. Valid To), then right click on the column tab. You can choose Group. Condition records will group by this column. When you click on one of the group tabs, it will unroll, then you can check the detail of these condition records which have same of column value (E.g. Valid On: Sat Jun 01, 2019). This sort method works on the same Editing Status. If you want to ungroup these condition records, just right click on the tab and choose Ungroup or Ungroup All.

Note:  Under Group mode, we just support display. You can not only group by one column. We support customer to group multiple columns. So, when you want to ungroup, there exist two method Ungroup and Ungroup ALL. Ungroup will ungroup all the group columns you chose. Ungroup just ungroup one layer of the group columns you chose.

Note: Group is just useful for grouping the condition records under current page.

3. Select any column (E.g. Valid To), then right click on the column tab. You can choose Freeze. The column left of this chosen column will be freeze, then the new horizontal scroll bar controls the scroll of left columns of specified field you chosen. After freeze, if you want to unfreeze this column, just right click on the field tab, choose Unfreeze.

Note: Select Adapt Filters button, Scroll down the popup page. When you choose More Filters under Draft Administration Data, these will display 5 draft filter fields. When you choose some of these fields and fill value, it works, but these fields cannot be shown in the columns of condition records.


In this blog post, we introduce the display function of  “Manage Prices – Sales” app to you, you can try to input search criterial in filter bar. Let's begin to do some search and comparison by this display function in app.


Reference link of user guide of app

Let us learn more about how to use app:

Let’s begin to learn more about using app:

0. How to use “Manage Prices – Sales” app

1. Navigation from Project

2. Display of “Manage Prices – Sales” App

3. Create Condition Records

4. Edit Condition Records

5. Copy Condition Records

6. Delete Condition Records

7. Save Variant

8. Authorization

9. Unit of Measure Conversion

10. Video: How to use App