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1. Field control


You can create condition records directly in the table. First specify the condition type and the key combination to determine the relevant key fields. The relevant key fields are then displayed as columns in the table dynamically.

To create condition records, we provide “field control” to dynamic limit fields which can be edited. When you choose one of the access sequences under value help of Condition Table, the field control will work, we just let the fields reference to this access sequence can be edited. It helps customer to create condition records, and no need to check which fields are the right fields for the specified key combination.

Create condition record with Condition Type (E.g. PCP0), then set a condition table for this new condition record (E.g. 4AK). To select one of access sequence of 4AK (E.g. 010), then field control work, some of the fields which not belong to this access sequence will be not editable (E.g. Service Organization).

Note: The term “Material” has been changed to “Product” in this app as of SAP S/4HANA Cloud 2005. In this blog, you may still find the obsolete term “Material” in the screenshots, which is now replaced with the term “Product” on the app’s UIs.

Image/data in this guide is from SAP internal systems, sample data, or demo systems. Any resemblance to real data is purely coincidental.

2. How to create condition Record without filter


After open the app, create a new line without any filter fields input is possible. To create a condition record without filter, proceed as follows:


1. Open home page of Manage Prices - Sales app. Firstly click Create button without any input. After that, you can check the create line is marked as draft on Editing Status, temporary number of this draft line also be generated (E.g. $$80347475).

2. Set Condition Type (E.g. PSP0) and Condition Table (E.g. 304). After your selection of condition table, columns will be refreshed. These columns of fields are dynamic changed to specified condition type and condition table.

3. Filling the editable fields with valid value.

Note: Field Pricing Unit will dynamic filled after you choose the field value of Material.

4. Click Save button, the line is created successfully with message “Condition Record 0000007969(temp. No. $$49271995) is created and valid from 31.07.2019 to 31.12.9999.”. Temporary number is just for draft line, when you save successfully, new line will be set a fixed condition record.

3. How to create condition record with filter


To create a condition record with filter, proceed as follows:


1. Open home page of Manage Prices - Sales app. Set filter fields (E.g. Condition Type: PSP0) and click Go button.

2. Click Create button after search result output.

Note: Field Calculation Type will be filled dynamically in new draft line by condition type after you click the Create button at first time you create a new line. When you change the condition type, you can edit by yourselves.


3. Set all fields with valid value, set condition type same/not same as filter condition type.


4. Click Save button, the line is created successfully with message.

4. How to handle the Overlap case


There exists case that when you create a condition record which partially overlap on validity from/to comparing with existed condition records. This is an overlap case of creation.


To handle the overlap case, proceed as follows:


1. Create a new line with same value of an existed condition record (E.g. Condition Record No. 0000007970).


2. Set the Valid From/Toof new line to have a partially overlap with existed line.


3. Click Save button, this new line will be created successfully with messages which contain success creation and other overlap information. For the example overlap case, old condition record split into two lines.

4. Checking the split lines with same condition record number (E.g. 0000007970), after you delete one of lines, you will find the left others will also be deleted. Choose one line, then click Delete button, after that choose Delete. You can use filter bar to search this condition record (set Condition Record No. equal 0000007970), the app will tell you the information “No data found. Try adjusting the filter settings”.

5. Collection of the Create with error


To create a condition record without filter, there are some common error which you maybe encounter during creation.

Error collection

1. Create new line, do not put any value and click Save button. The message will raise. Content of message is “Condition record $$27734904: Property "Condition Table" is required” (Please note the condition record number will be filled different from your own creation).


2. Create new line, put invalid value and click Save button. The error messages will contain information of your wrong input. (E.g. input invalid value of Sales Organization 0004 and Distribution Channel 01). One of the examples of error messages will be “Sales organization 004 is not defined” (The invalid value will be noticed).


6. How to cancel and delete new created draft line


To cancel/delete new drafted line, proceed as follows:


1. When you create a new line, then exit the app. Your creation of a new condition record will be saved as a draft line automatically.

2. When you create a new line, this draft line will be saved automatically. Under the bottom of page, you can find the information “draft saved”. Then you click Cancel button, a pop-up window will come out. If you choose Cancel button in the window, the new created draft line will be saved.

3. When you create a new line, you click Cancel button. Then to choose Delete, all draft lines created before and now will be deleted. Same behavior when you click Edit button and then Cancel as before.

Note: we not support the value help for calculation type field this release.


Reference link of user guide of app

0. How to use "Manage Prices - Sales" app

1. Navigation from Project

2. Display Condition Records

3. Create Condition Records

4. Edit Condition Records

5. Copy Condition Records

6. Delete Condition Records

7. Save Variant

8. Authorization


Link to download whole user guide

1. Document: How to Use "Manage Prices - Sales" App.pdf

2. Video: How to use App




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