To use the function of copy in “Manage prices – Sales” app, there are some tips need to be noticed. we prepare some example of this function to let you more familiar of this app.
please check all the guide information following:
1. How to copy active line from condition type
To copy active line from multiple condition type, proceed as follows:
Note: The term “Material” has been changed to “Product” in this app as of SAP S/4HANA Cloud 2005. In this blog, you may still find the obsolete term “Material” in the screenshots, which is now replaced with the term “Product” on the app’s UIs.
1. Filter record lines for any condition type (E.g. Condition Type PSP0).
2. Select some lines of result.
3. lick
Copy button. Then the lines you want to copy will be created. All fields are filled with default value which equal to the lines you chose. And the fields can be changed are editable under this mode.
4. New lines are generated with
Draft status.
2. Not support copy draft lines
To copy draft lines from multiple condition type will raise error message, proceed as follows:
1. Filter record lines for any condition type (E.g. Condition Type PSP0). You can use filter bar, change
Editing Status to
Own Draft, then get just draft lines. You can also use
ALL, the draft lines will always on the top of result lines, check the column
Editing Status, the value of draft lines are
2. Select any draft lines.
3. Click
Copy button.
4. Copy failed with message “
Draft condition records cannot be copied”. We do not support copy draft lines.
In this blog, we introduce copy function of “Manage Prices – Sales” app to you, you can try to copy some condition records to practice your knowledge.
Reference link of user guide of app
To learn more about app, please link to other guide:
0. How to use “Manage Prices – Sales” app
1. Navigation from Project
2. Display of “Manage Prices – Sales” App
3. Create Condition Records
4. Edit Condition Records
5. Copy Condition Records
6. Delete Condition Records
7. Save Variant
8. Authorization
9. Unit of Measure Conversion
10. Video: How to use App