Change Delivery Date in Projects and Project Stock...
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Often manufacturers use projects to plan the construction of large machines / user have projects where you locally have to consume materials.
User can assign products that will be needed to the production tasks and create a project stock order where user can enter the planned delivery date. Only due to the project stock order the demand occurs in the product planning details and is considered by the MRP.
However, once the project stock order was released this requested/delivery date can not be changed anymore. user have to create the project stock orders weeks in advance in order to trigger the purchasing process if there is not enough stock available. Often it happens that project tasks are postponed and this change in date we would have to reflect on the open project stock order.
But as soon as the stock order is released the requested/delivery date is not editable anymore. In 2002 release with the new feature it would now be possible to change the delivery date in project stock order / project as long as the related customer demand is not released.
Business Scenario:
Project lead would like to change the delivery date in project stock orders and projects in order to take into account changing time lines. The changed delivery date will be reflected in the relevant customer demand.
Steps to use the feature:
Create Project
Step 1: Navigate to Project Management work center and navigate to Projects work center view
Step 2: In the projects OWL click on New -> Project
Step 3: In the new project UI GAF , select the Project Type -> Direct Cost Project , Source -> None
Step 4: click on Next
Step 5: Enter the mandatory fields Project ID, Project Name, Person Responsible, Responsible Unit .
Step 6: click on next and Finish
Step 7: new project is created and click on Maintain this Project
Create Project Stock Order
Step 1: In the projects OWL click on Edit -> Project ( the we created in the previous step)
Step 2: Navigate to Project Plan tab, Basic Data sub tab , change the Project Status to Start and Release
Step 3: Navigate to Materials sub tab, click on Add Row button, enter Material , mark the check box From Stock checkbox, enter the Planned Quantity
Step 4: Navigate to Products
tab, Navigate to Products Overview subtab, click on button group Create Project Stock Order -> select entry For Whole Project
Step 5: in the popup screen New Project Stock Order, enter the mandatory fields like Ship FromLocation, Ship To Country, Ship To PostalCode,
Step 6: click on button Finish
Step 7: you will get a message Stock order XYZ-1 created/updated; press Save to confirm
Step 8: note down the Project Stock Order ID
Step 9: Click on button Save
Points to check:
Step 1: make sure the Delivery Date field is editable
( Delivery Date field can be found in Products tab, Products Stock Order sub tab, at item Level the delivery Date should be editable.
Step 2: note the Overall status of Project is Released and Delivery Date is editable
change the delivery date
Release Customer Demand
Step 1: go to Outbound Logistics Control Work Center
Step 2: Navigate to Customer Demand Work Center View
Step 3: In the Customer Demand OWL, enter the Project ID created "XYZ-1"
Step 4: select the Customer Demand instance and click on Release Button Group and select one of the option With Stock Check / Without Stock Check OR select the option Partial Release
Step 5: Note after the successful release of the Customer Demand , open the Project stock order instance and in the OIF the Delivery Date should not be editable ( Should be read-only ) , since the Customer Demand is released.
Note: till the Customer demand is released the Delivery Date should be editable.
Change of Delivery Date in Project Stock Order should reflect in the Customer Demand
If you are editing the Delivery Date in Project Stock Order ( only if the related customer demand is not released) , then the changed Delivery Date should be communicated and reflected in related Customer Demand .
New Capabilities
1.Change of delivery date in Projects OIF UI
2.Change of delivery date in Project Stock Order OIF UI
3.Change of delivery date should be possible as long as the customer demand related to a project stock order is not yet released
4.After the related customer demand is released the delivery date should be read-only