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In line with Universal Parallel Accounting, asset postings are ledger-specific as of SAP S/4HANA Cloud 2105. The user interfaces of the apps for asset postings have been adapted accordingly. The legacy data transfer of postings has changed as well.

On the selection screens of the posting apps, you can use the ledger as a selection criterion to restrict a posting to a ledger. The accounting principle is displayed for information purposes only. Furthermore, when you display a journal entry, when simulating a posting, or when you adjust line items, you also do this per ledger.

Figure 1: Simulating an asset acquisition in the app Post Acquisition (Non-Integrated) - With Automatic Offsetting Entry

Postings with quantities are now possible in all ledgers. When you make a quantity posting, it is now posted to all ledgers by default. In each ledger, quantity postings are updated in the depreciation area that is relevant to the balance sheet. In the same way as for posting currency amounts, you can post different quantities for each ledger. All quantity postings are posted to the universal journal in the general ledger. In the Manage Fixed Assets app, you can display the quantity for an asset per ledger and depreciation area.

Figure 2a: Partial retirement with quantities, only posted for ledger 0L - Manage Fixed Assets app: Asset Valuation showing journal entries

Figure 2b: Partial retirement with quantities, only posted for ledger 0L - Manage Fixed Assets app: Asset master record showing total quantities per ledger

The interfaces of the apps for the settlement of assets under construction have been adjusted as have the posting apps. The Line Item List for Distribution Rule in the app Define Distribution Rules - For AuC now has a screen area where you can select the ledgers and depreciation areas. The screen area below lists the items to be settled for the selected ledgers and depreciation areas.

Figure 3: Line Item List for Distribution Rule in the app Define Distribution Rules - For AuC

It is now easier to trace which original document is the basis of a settlement and which partial amounts have already been settled and how.

You now perform a legacy data transfer of postings ledger-specific too. The manual legacy data transfer using the app Post Transfer Values - For Legacy Asset and the automatic transfer using the SAP S/4HANA migration cockpit have been harmonized. By selecting the appropriate ledger in the app Post Transfer Values - For Legacy Asset, you transfer the values to the corresponding depreciation areas.

Figure 4: Entry of the cumulated values in the app Post Transfer Values - For Legacy Asset

As with the automatic legacy transfer, the app Post Transfer Values - For Legacy Asset now also allows you to opt for the automatic currency translation during the legacy data transfer.

To automatically transfer asset postings using the SAP S/4HANA migration cockpit, a new migration object and template are available for asset postings.

As of SAP S/4HANA Cloud 2105, the transaction data of all derived depreciation areas is stored in the universal journal of the general ledger. To this end, a data migration is performed during the release upgrade. As the data migration runs automatically, no customer interaction is necessary.

The new and changed features mentioned above provide more flexibility and more consistency for postings and reporting of parallel values in Asset Accounting.

For more information, see the What's New topics for Asset Accounting in the What's New Viewer or in the PDF document.

To view all blog posts from the Universal Parallel Accounting series, see Finance in SAP S/4HANA Cloud 2105.