Introduction: I recently worked on the S/4 HANA Business partner outbound replication setup where one of the requirements was to stop/filter messages based on the Business partner Grouping. The replication of Business partner data to the connected systems can be done by using Data Replication Framework (DRF ). SAP has also provided standard filter objects and these standard filter objects can be used if you need to filter business partner replication based on the role, company code, etc. But I configured a custom filter object as our requirement was to filter BP replication messages based on a BP Grouping type which is not supported by the standard SAP filter objects. In this blog, I am going to cover how to configure a custom filter object and also enable it for transaction code DRFOUT.
List of available standard Filter objects :
Standard Filter Objects assigned to 986_3
Steps to configure Custom Filter Objects:
I have configured Filter Criteria for the BP grouping ( i.e. BU_GROUP) but this Filter functionality can be used for any other custom filter criteria.
Step 1 Define a new Custom Filter Object. (Path DRFIMG Tcode -->Define Filter Objects)
TB001 is used to refer to BP Grouping. We need to use the appropriate table name here based on the requirement/Filter Criteria.
Step 2 Assign Custom Filter Object to the "986_3" Outbound Implementation.
Step 3 Maintain Filter Values using DRFF Tcode.
Step 4 Implement “MDG_BS_SUPPLIER_SI"
BADI (Method DRF_NODE_FILTER) to read and use values maintained in step 3 above to filter BP replication message. Please refer to "MDG_BS_SUPPLIER_SI_ERP" (Method DRF_NODE_FILTER) standard enhancement implementation which shows an example to read/use the "98602" Filter object.
Enable Custom Filter Object criteria for DRFOUT Tcode :
There is an option to select filter criteria manually as below which overrides DRFF filter values.
If you need to use the Custom Filter object instead of "Manual Replication Filter" criteria then please do not pass "iv_ignore_filter" parameter to the "APPY_FILTER" method which is set as 'X' for DRFOUT tcode.
For more information please refer to below SAP Help links :
DRFF Configuration
Data Replication Using Enterprise Service Oriented Architecture (SOA)