Recently I was tasked to customize some adobe form for a s4hana cloud customer.
This article shows how I setup the cloud print manager and trigger the printing from s4hana cloud.
You can find the standard sap documentation from here.
These are the high level steps:
1.Setup communication arrangement(SAP_COM_0466)
2.Create print queue
3.Download and install cloud print manager for pull integration
4.Trigger the printing.
Setup communication arrangement
Go to communication Arrangement app to create a new one based on profile SAP_COM_0466
Create communication system and user
just follow the wizard to create system and inbound communication user.
Create Print Queue
Go to manage print queues app and create a new print queue. Make sure you select correct queue type
Download and install cloud print manager for pull integration
According to note 3048273, the old CPM will be revoked. we should use CPM PI.
After the installation, add a new system
you can get the url from manage print queues app at bottom right corner. use the user you created for your communication system.
You can then test the connection by clicking that button.
You may get following error.
Go to menu Help--->About to find detail log
*** ERROR *** [4] The request was aborted: Could not create SSL/TLS secure channel. WebException from GetAllPrintQueues webservice, System = s4 ***** [ GetAllPrintQueuesConnectionTest in PrintQueueAccess.cs at line 400 ] *****
The fix(workaround) to this error is:
1. Settings/Security protocol, choose something else instead of TLS1.2 and click OK.
2. After print service restarted, Settings/Security protocol, choose TLS1.2 and click OK.
after you connect to the s4hana cloud system, you will see the print queue in the lower portion of the print manager. double click to assign a printer to it.
you can also save the print as pdf to save you some paper during test.
Go to your app where you want to test the form printing and specify the print queue you created in previous step, you can also send test page from print queue app.
you can find the saved pdf in your local drive if you enabled this configuration in previous step.
This is the test page.
By now, the cloud print manager integration with s4hana cloud system is done, you should be able to print the adobe form from cloud system. let me know if there is any question.