CEWB is a very powerful transaction as far as the manufacturing master data is concerned. This is mainly used as a tool to change/update the values of the BOM and Routing in mass. This is a hidden transaction and needs to be set up using simple configuration steps
SAP may provide pre-defined Work areas which should usually satisfy the requirement. You may also create your own work Areas to have simplified views as per one’s requirements.
In customizing, Go to Production - > Basic Data - > Engineering Workbench - > Edit Working Areas
Here it can be seen that Work areas have been maintained for Header level and Item level for both BOM’s as well as Routings
BOM Header selection parameters
BOM Item level selection parameters
Similarly Work area is set up for Routing data
In transaction CEWB, the maintained Working areas can be seen
Choose any one of the Working area. In this example let us choose the BOM item Working area
The date in the Selection Range is a key factor in determining the BOMs that are active in that period
Since this example is to use the transaction as an extraction tool, we can limit our input to PLANT, USAGE and BOM CATEGORY.
A - BOM Header Material
B -
BOM number
C -
Alternative BOM number
D - BOM item/component material code
E - BOM component description
To export the complete list of BOM in to an Excel file Go to ITEM in the menu and select print. This will load the complete list as shown below. Using the CHANGE LAYOUT option, we can choose up to 99 fields from a list of about 200 fields.
Choose Export from List menu to the desired output file.
This is one of the easiest ways to extract the Bill Of Materials and Routing data. One can extract both Header and Item view individually or combined.This could be handy in Roll out projects, Migration projects etc. Instead of using extensive master data extraction tools this method can be used whose out put data is self validated as the data fetched is with respect to the validity and status.
Hope this was useful..
Thank you!!
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