Last week, my user got a problem related his SD report. The report was build with SAP query using infoset & query (T-Code : SQ01). When my user ran the SD Report with one year period (Notes : the problem not happened if my user ran the SD report using one month period), the sub total for total field resulted the zero amount and SAP system displayed message information “The field total price cannot be totalled because of field overflow”. For detail please see screen capture below :
For the solution, I’m doing some steps to solve the problem :
- Go to T-Code : SQ01 (SAP Query).
- Set query area (Standard Area) and user group (SD_USER) related the SD Report.
- Go to Environment >> InfoSets to check the infoset related the SD Report.
- Check the definition for the Total Price field with right click for the total price field and then choose Display/change definition.
As we see the screen capture below, the total price using reference field for VBAP-NETPR (Net price on item data) with format (type, length, output length, and decimals) as follows :
To solve the problem, I have changed the reference using VBAP-NETWR (Net value on item data) with format (type, length, output length, and decimals) as follows :
After change the reference for the field, click Enter button and then regenerate the dataset.
- Next step, go to the query for the SD Report and click Change button.
Click Basic List button
Check the total field with click the value of the total price field as follows and make sure for the output length same as standard length (in this case the output length is 27). Save the query and then regenerate the program (Go to the Query menu tab >> more function >> Generates Program)
- Run the report again and as we see the sub total of total price have been displayed.