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In this post, you will be going to understand the Virtual data modeling in S4HANA.

Scenario:- We will build a data model on transactional sales data and material master data.

Step-1: Open the ABAP perspective in Eclipse.

Step-2: Right-click on any package and follow the below the navigation.

Step-3: Select the data definition.

We are going to build the following data flow.

CDS View Fact:

We need to add the following annotations at the entity level (At CDS View level on top) and at the element level(At field level for measures and units) as shown below.

We have used the VBAP table as a base for fact data.

CDS View for Master data:

We need to add the following annotations at the entity level as shown below.

We have used the MARA table as a base for Master data.

Associating the Master data and Fact at Composite View level:

The Composite view depicts like the info cube in SAP BW. Where we associate the master and facts data.


Now a default report created in the backed with the naming convention  2C<SQL_View_Name>.

In our case the SQL View name associated with the consumption view is YI_VBAP_CMP. So the report name will be 2C_YI_VBAP_CMP.


We have successfully developed the end - end data flow in the virtual data modeling methodology.

  1. Users will see the latest realtime data.

  2. No physical data load, so no data redundancy.

  3. This generated query can be used as an input source for any reporting tools. No need to separate query designing required.

  4. If we add the ODATA service, directly these can be used in Fiori application data providers.

  5. The enhancement of these objects are very easy. Unlike BW, the newly enhanced field data immediately populated with data.

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