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Earlier there was a post from the moderator which will update the latest Notes. In the new design it is not appearing . So I would like to share the latest updates through this blog ℹ .

Information Courtesy : SAP.


Note Number1698187
TopicHCM - Union Budget 2012-2013 Announcement
Valid since22.03.2012
Reason and PrerequisitesAnnouncement of Legal Change
Release StatusReleased for Customer
Released on22.03.2012  05:33:58
PriorityRecommendations/additional info

This is an information note which summarizes of the changes that have been announced in Union Budget 2012-2013.

Section 80TTA - It is proposed to allow Individual tax payers, a deduction of up to INR 10000 on interest from savings bank accounts.

Section 80D - It is proposed to amend this section to also include any payment made by an assessee on account of preventive health check-up of self, spouse, dependent children or parents(s) during the previous year as eligible for deduction within the overall limits prescribed in the section. However, the proposed deduction on account of expenditure on preventive health check-up (for self, spouse, dependent children and parents) shall not exceed in the aggregate INR 5,000.

Senior Citizen Age for Section 80D & 80 DDB reduced to 60 years


Note Number1668262
TopicProvident Fund Details Inconsistent On Payroll Execution
Valid since24.01.2012
Reason and PrerequisitesProgrm Error
Release StatusReleased for Customer
Released on22.03.2012  05:44:22
PriorityCorrection with medium priority

You have maintained Provident Fund and Pension contribution details (IT0587) for employees working in your organization. However on executing payroll (TCode : PC00_M40_CALC_SIMU), PF or pension account number is not getting updated into the Provident Fund cluster table (EPF).

Consider an employee with Provident Fund and Pension contribution details (IT0587) maintained. On executing payroll for this employee, PF account number is not getting updated in the Provident Fund Cluster table (EPF)


Note Number1692458
TopicMultiple Form 16:Reporting Original Result For Transfer Case
Valid since09.03.2012
Reason and PrerequisitesCorrection of Legal Function
Release StatusReleased for Customer
Released on14.03.2012 11:19:23
PriorityCorrection with high priority

ℹ Currently, if you have activated Multiple Form 16 functionality in SAP system (Reference SAP Note: 500871) and, during year end, if you generate

Form 16 for an employee who is transferred across company codes (or across TAN numbers) during the financial year, the system reports latest payroll

results on Form 16, even if retrospective results are present for this employee.

However, there is no option such that the system can report original payroll results on Form 16, if required.


Note Number1679799
TopicForm 16: Perquisite amount getting  doubled on execution
Valid since05.03.2012
Reason and PrerequisitesProgram error
Release StatusReleased for Customer
Released on12.03.2012  09:37:55
PriorityCorrection with high priority

ℹ You are executing Form 16 (TCode:PC00_M40_F16) for the employees working in your organization.

On execution, value of perquisites on Form 12BA are displayed consistently.

However, the amount displayed on page 1 under head - 'Details of salary paid and tax deducted' and "Annexure to Form 16" are getting displayed



Note Number1685478
TopicAdvanced Claims - Badi for attachments
Valid since16.02.2012
Reason and PrerequisitesAdvance development
Release StatusReleased for Customer
Released on06.03.2012  09:10:38
PriorityCorrection with medium priority

Currently, in the Advanced Claims application the attachment's are stored in the Cluster. If the attachments are of huge size then more data base space will be consumed on the ECC Server.

To resolve this issue, there is now the provision of a BAdI made available so that attachments can be stored in any third party server.


Note Number1689278
TopicFAQ#s For EPF
Valid since27.02.2012
Reason and PrerequisitesLeagal Changes
Release StatusReleased for Customer
Released on02.03.2012  09:15:07
PriorityRecommendations/additional info

As per notification TN/CBE/EDP/2011 dated July 22, 2011 released by EPFO office, a new application software has been provided to submit EPF returns to government authorities. Henceforth, returns like Form 5, Form 10, Form 12A etc submitted to EPFO office should have the softcopy attached with it.

This note is being released to address some of the Frequently asked questions about the solution released.


Note Number1667322
TopicDeletion of Posting Runs Incomplete
Valid since 23.01.2012
Reason and PrerequisitesProgram Error
Release StatusReleased for Customer
Released on23.01.2012  10:20:12
PriorityCorrection with high priority

You have deleted or reversed a posting run in transaction PCP0, and the status of the run is displayed as deleted or reversed. The program terminates during the recreation of the posting run for the affected payroll period.

:!: There is a program error. The table PCALAC is deleted for the first personnel number of a posting run only.


Note Number1671243

Region Code Change For Ptax As Per Government Guidelines

Valid since09.01.2012
Reason and PrerequisitesAdvanced development
Release StatusReleased for Customer
Released on29.02.2012  06:43:58
PriorityCorrection with medium priority

Professional tax deduction(s) for every region happens as per the state government rules. These rules differ from one region to another. These regions are maintained in the system as region codes. Region codes previously maintained for India in SAP system were not defined by the government as there were no such guidelines. However, government has now introduced region codes for each of these regions based on their geographical location.

However, existing region codes cannot be modified with the new region codes as professional tax calculations will then become inconsistent. New region codes needs to be maintained so that all India specific functionalities as well as other functionalities work consistently.


Note Number1683871
TopicHINCALC0: PTax deductions inconsistent for terminated Ee's
Valid since 29.02.2012
Reason and Prerequisites Program error
Release StatusReleased for Customer
Released on 29.02.2012  05:33:56
PriorityCorrection with medium priority

ℹ You are executing payroll (TCode:PC00_M40_CALC_SIMU) for the employees working in your organization eligible for Professional tax deductions (IT0588 subtype 0003 maintained).

In case employee is seperated from the organization, Ptax deduction already happened for the employee/s during previous payroll runs is getting refunded back to the employee. This inconsistency is occuring in case there is a retrospective payroll run trigerred for the employee from previous periods.


Note Number1689433
TopicAlternate financial year (AFY) switch active by default
Valid since27.02.2012
Reason and PrerequisitesProgram error
Release StatusReleased for Customer
Released on27.02.2012 10:28:09
PriorityCorrection with high priority

You are executing the payroll (TCode:PC00_M40_CALC) for an employee.

On execution it is observed that AFY (Alternate Financial Year) switch is active by default, hence the annual wagetype values are appearing before the end of financial year.

:!: The issue is reported in release ECC 604 only.


Note Number1683389
TopicForm 16 not displayed through ESS portal for valid TAN
Valid since20.02.2012
Reason and PrerequisitesProgram Error
Release StatusReleased for Customer
Released on20.02.2012 07:10:20
PriorityCorrection with high priority

ℹ You are generating Form 16 report from the link 'Benefits and Payments section' under Employee Self Service (ESS) on front end portal.

However for employees who are having a valid TAN number maintained in IT0185, Form 16 is not getting generated.


Note Number1673693
TopicESS Loan request for changed approver appearing in UWL
Valid since20.02.2012
Reason and PrerequisitesProgram Error
Release StatusReleased for Customer
Released on20.02.2012 07:10:47
PriorityCorrection with Medium priority

ℹ You have created a loan request from Employee Self Service (ESS).

The request appears in approver's UWL. However, when the approver for the same request is changed from output of report

HINULOAN_REPAY_UPDATE_REQ the action item still appears in approver's UWL task.


Note Number1627413
TopicESS: Section 80 and 80C Deduction error
Valid since24.01.2012
Reason and PrerequisitesProgram Error
Release StatusReleased for Customer
Released on24.01.2012 05:52:26
PriorityCorrection with Medium priority

ℹ   You are using ESS (Employee Self Service) scenario for Section 80 (Infotype 0585) and Section 80C deductions(Infotype 0586).

When you try to create a new record for Section 80 and Section 80C deductions on ESS screen by clicking on new button, a dump appears on the



Note Number1586528
TopicIT Declaration -Corrections
Valid since17.01.2012
Reason and PrerequisitesProgram Error
Release StatusReleased for Customer
Released on17.01.2012 06:16:37
PriorityCorrection with high priority

ℹ The following issues occur when creating and approving requests using IT Declaration Application through portal

o When creating IT Declaration request from portal the request start and end dates are coming as blank for Section 80 and Section 80C deductions.

o The error Approver amount should not be greater than requested amount comes on the approver screen when approver tries to approve the request.

o When creating HRA request from portal if already a request is present it is giving an error without checking the dates for which the request was being created.

The following issues occur while updating the requests using HINUINFU report.

o When updating the infotypes 0585 and 0586, the Consider actual contribution flag was not being populated and getting updated.

o The error messages were not being passed for all the infotypes of IT Declaration application.

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