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Valid as of version SAP S/4HANA 2020

In this blog post series, I will provide an overview of the functionalities available for managing hierarchies in SAP S/4HANA. I will also discuss some of the interesting features and limitations of the FIORI apps supporting hierarchies.

Blog 1/3: FIORI apps to manage hierarchies

Blog 2/3: Detailed features of FIORI app "Manage Global Hierarchies"

Blog 3/3: Detailed features of other FIORI app to manage hierarchies



In SAP S/4HANA hierarchies are used in reporting data and in processes like allocations.

Like the concept of Universal Journal for finance transactions, SAP has transitioned to Global Hierarchies as a single tool for managing hierarchies. In the pre-HANA world, hierarchies were maintained using multitude of apps and transactions. Managing hierarchies were time consuming to maintain and were prone to errors. Each hierarchy was housed within its own app. Any creation/ change to the underlying object does not automatically reflect in all relevant hierarchies. Maintaining hierarchies was an extensively manual task. If new hierarchies like Financial Statement Version are required, then a customising request will be required to transport the hierarchy from development environment to production.

SAP has 2 FIORI apps that allow you to manage hierarchies: F2918 (Manage Global Hierarchies), and F2759 (Manage Flexible Hierarchies). These apps provide a centralised dashboard that allow you to create, change, activate, delete hierarchies. There are several improved features in these 2 apps compared to the GUI apps.

Global and Flexible Hierarchies have the following features and advantages (source: SAP).

  • Single unified FIORI dashboard to manage all hierarchies at one place; create / copy / edit hierarchies and manage their validity timeframes

  • Build time dependant hierarchies

  • Status control available on hierarchies

  • Flexible Hierarchies can be built on fields (including custom fields) of the object

  • Filter Hierarchies by hierarchy type, status, and validity timeframes

  • Generate simulated versions of hierarchies

  • Export, edit and import hierarchies via spreadsheet

  • Import hierarchies created with compatible applications

  • View change logs of applicable hierarchy types

  • Maintain node text in multiple languages for applicable hierarchy types

  • Hierarchy maintenance will be managed as master data

In this blog, we will review the above key features available in these apps. We will explore the feature limitations of these apps. The blog will also explain how to set up and use these apps to best suit your requirements.


F2918 - Manage Global Hierarchies

Documentation in FIORI app library for F2918 here

FIORI app “Manage Global Hierarchies” allows you to manage most hierarchies in one dashboard view. Some of the existing hierarchies created using GUI applications can be imported and then managed here. New hierarchies can be created and managed here.

Manage Global Hierarchies

In this FIORI app, Hierarchies can be created in one of 2 ways:

  1. Import Hierarchies already created in S/4HANA

  2. Create Hierarchies in this app directly


Import Hierarchies into F2918

If you wish to re-use hierarchies created in SAP S/4HANA in FIORI, you can import the hierarchy rather than create it afresh using the F2918 app. It is recommended that once Hierarchy is imported into FIORI, we should not use or update the hierarchies in S/4HANA. All future maintenance of that hierarchy should be done in FIORI app F2918.

Hierarchies created in GUI based apps are set based hierarchies and Hierarchies created in FIORI are runtime hierarchies (Hierarchy Runtime Representation Persistence - HRRP).

For e.g., Financial Statement Version Hierarchies in SAP S4HANA are stored in table T011; all FIORI Hierarchies are stored in table HRRP_NODE, HRRP_NODET, HRRP_DIRECTORY, and HRRP_DIRECTORYT with appropriate hierarchy type (HRYTYP).

The two types of hierarchies are not compatible.

“The hierarchy IDs from Fiori app F2918 won’t be offered by OB58 (transaction or app). There are several options to get "Financial Statement Versions" that were saved at table T011, to introduce them at "Hierarchy Runtime Representation Persistence" (HRRP*) tables, so that they can be used in reporting apps. There is no option in the other direction (to replicate entries from HRRP tables to "classic" master data tables).” (SAP note 3064994 - requires SAP S-User ID).

In S/4HANA 2020, only the below hierarchy types can be imported:

  • Bank Account Group

  • Commitment Item Group

  • Cost Centre Group

  • Flexible Hierarchy

  • Funds Centre Group

  • G/L Account & Cost Element Groups

  • Liquidity Item Hierarchy

  • Maintain Financial Statement Versions

  • Profit Centre Group


Steps to import Financial Statement Version created in GUI to F2918

Financial Statement Version can be imported as below.

Step 1: The hierarchy should be activated in SAP S/4HANA. In edit mode, when you save any changes to the hierarchy, the system will prompt you to activate the hierarchy. This activation will replicate the hierarchy in FIORI. This replication to real time hierarchy allows it to be available for use in FIORI reports and in this app F2918 for import.

Activate FSV in GUI

Step 2: If hierarchy is not active, you can manually activate the hierarchy.

Step 2.1: To allow replication through this method, you must set the hierarchy relevancy for replication using transaction HRY_REPRELEV. In this screenshot, I am allowing hierarchy S4H_US as relevant for replication

Set report relevancy for set-based hierarchies

Step 2.2: This will make it available for replication using HRRP_REP

Manually replicate runtime hierarchy

Step 2.3: From S/4HANA use transaction HRRP_REP or program FINS_REPLICATION_HIER_N

Manually replicate runtime hierarchy

Step 2.4: Alternatively, replicate the hierarchy using FIORI app F1478 Replicate Runtime Hierarchies

Hierarchy replication FIORI app

Replication - Application job

Step 3: Import Hierarchy using FIORI app F2918. Select Hierarchy Type and Hierarchy ID you want to import. The Hierarchy ID in FIORI should be different from Hierarchy ID you plan to import. Define the validity timeframe you want to import the hierarchy. This will import the hierarchy from SAP S/4HANA. The hierarchy is created in draft status; once activated, it is ready to be used in FIORI reports.

Import FSV from GUI

Import Hierarchy from GUI - parameters

Hierarchy imported in draft mode


Steps to import other hierarchies

To import any of the other hierarchies, there is no need to activate the hierarchy in SAP S/4HANA. Flexible hierarchies exist only in FIORI.

Create Hierarchies in F2918

New hierarchies can be created from this function on this FIORI app. Only hierarchies with hierarchy types available in F2918 can be created.

SAP S/4HANA has some standard hierarchy types delivered. Hierarchies can be created for Funds, Grant, Consolidation, Company Code, Functional Area, Product, Segment, Universal Allocation and WBS (hierarchy types that can be imported can also be created).

Customers can create their own hierarchy types based on pre-delivered dimensions. We will discuss this separately in “F3553 Manage Custom Hierarchy Type” section in Blog 3/3.


Hierarchies not available in F2918

Below Hierarchies are not available in FIORI app F2918 in SAP S/4HANA release 2020

  • Activity Type Hierarchy

  • Statistical Key Figure Hierarchy

  • Internal Order Hierarchy


Hierarchy: some points to keep in mind

  • When you import Financial Statement Hierarchies, you cannot reuse the name from SAP S/4HANA set-based hierarchies.

  • Both set-based and runtime Financial Statement Hierarchies (F2918) are available in several FIORI reports. When you import Financial Statement Hierarchies into FIORI, the old set-based hierarchies are available in FIORI reports

FSV from GUI available in FIORI

    • You might consider deleting the set-based Financial Statement Version (Transaction FSE2)

    • Any changes to hierarchies or values in set-based GUI will not update to runtime hierarchies.

  • In the case of some hierarchies like Cost Centre hierarchies, when you start creating hierarchies in “Manage Global Hierarchies” FIORI reports will no longer read hierarchies from set-based hierarchies.

    • This is important to know because once you start using F2918 to create (for e.g.) Cost Centre Hierarchy, the Standard Hierarchy created in GUI will no longer be available for reporting in FIORI. It is best to import Standard Hierarchy first, activate it and then continue with the rest.

    • This rule applies at client level. If you import standard hierarchy in one Controlling Area, FIORI will ignore all existing hierarchies in other Controlling Areas that exist in SAP S/4HANA

  • When you import hierarchy types other than Financial Statement Version, you can reuse the name from S/4HANA set-based hierarchies.

  • Any inactivated saved changes to set-based Financial Statement Hierarchy will show in FIORI reports with a suffix “_DRAFT”.

  • If you want to use the FIORI hierarchy in apps other than reporting apps, you should select the indicator “Use in compatible <hierarchy type> groups”. If you do not select that indicator, the hierarchy will only be available for reporting.

  • Once you select the “Use in compatible <hierarchy type> groups” indicator, SAP concatenates the nodes with a special character ~. The total length of Hierarchy ID + Node ID should not exceed 14 characters. If it does, the system will truncate the rest of characters.

Global Hierarchy As represented in process apps

  • Master Data (like cost centres) should be created using FIORI apps to reflect them in F2918 Global Hierarchies.


SAP help documentation on Global hierarchies is below:

Manage Global Hierarchies

Financial Statement Versions in Manage Global Hierarchies


In the next blog post, I will elaborate on the functionalities available in FIORI app F2918.

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