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In August 2019, before the official release, I posted the first sneak peeks about S/4HANA 1909 release. Unfortunatelly I was not able to post the second part of this post. This will follow very soon.

Currently I’m working on a greenfield S/4HANA 1909 implementation and I have the opportunity to see most of the new features in real life conditions. As you expect, not always without issues and disappointments from time to time.

In this post I would like to share some limitations in Universal Allocations I faced during my project. I contacted SAP about these issues and will let you know the reactions after the problem description.

For general information about the new universal allocation functionality please read my previous blog: https://s4hanablog.com/2019/08/16/sneak-peek-into-s-4hana-1909-finance-innovations/.

First of all, I need to mention that the direction of SAP going to a single point of entry for all allocations/distributions is a very nice enhancement. With the Manage Allocations app you can create both assessments as distribution cycles. The possibility to visually show the cycle results after running is also a big Pro. However, the gap with classic ECC functionality is still huge. Below some of these gaps.


Activity Type not available as variable portion type

When creating an assessment cycle in the new Manage Allocations app with receiver rules “Variable Portions” you need to select a variable portions type. Till here it is the same as in the classis KSU1 transaction. However, when you go to the variable portions types tab, you will see that the activity type is not available here.

I contacted SAP for this issue. Apparently, this is a known limitation and It will probably be added in SP1. The bad thing is that this limitation is not documented anywhere. I searched for OSS notes for a long time without success.


Issue in program logic in assessment cycle with variable portion type

I create an allocation cycle with context type Cost Centers and based on Actual figures. In the Segment I select Sender Rule “Fixed Rates” and Receiver Rules “Variable Portions”. Nothing special here.

All Sender Receiver Rules, Receiver Basis and weighting factor are filled in as shown in the pictures attached. When running the cycle in the app Run Allocations I get the message that no receivers can be found.

However, when I define and run the exact same allocation cycle in the classic transactions KSU1 and KSU5 the assessment does work fine. This means that there something wrong in the logic of the new Apps Manage/Run Allocations.

Details are in the printscreens attached. Both Cycle in the old KSU1 transaction as in the new app are attached.


Creating cycle in new App

As you can see in the results. The app issues a message that the segment contains no receivers.

Now, lets create the exact same cycle in the classic transactions.


Create cycle in Old Transaction


In KSU5 the results are fine. The receivers are found.

As you can see, the new functionalities released in new S/4HANA releases are nice. But in real world project environments I still face many limitations and issues. There is still a long way to go. It is especially very annoying to see that ancient old functionality (like assessments) are not working properly.
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