[Note by Peter Hartwich on August 4th, 2015: Dear readers, please note that information in this blog is now up to three years old. Some comments might still be up to date and useful, others not, or contexts from recent releases are missing. Please check out and follow the current and official documentation accompanies the software. In addition, I can only recommend searching for SAP notes first.]
[Note by Peter Hartwich on June 9th, 2016: Blog Closed now (Existing comments will be displayed, new comments are not allowed)]
After struggling a few days to activate the connection from iPAD on SAP Business One through the Integration Service, I write this little "HOW TO" with full configuration of various elements, hoping it might help someone in the future.
Our situation:
=> Sap Business One 8.82 PL 05
=> MSSQL 2005 without istance name
=> MSSQL port 1433
=> Sap Business One IPAD app version 1.6.0
Well... first of all.. It seems that the iPAD connection does not work on port 8080. For us, it was necessary to use port 8443 (https). The app works correctly on that port even without a certificate.
- Open the Integration Framework (from SAP Administration => Integration Service => Integration Administration). Login with userid B1iadmin and the correct password.
- Check, under the SLD (System Landscape Directory), the right configuration of WSforMobile under B1i SErver. I set this environment like:
- destProtocol => http
- destHost => SAP B1 SERVER NAME
- destPort => 8080
- authentication => basic
- user => B1i
- Password => B1i Password
- destProtocol => http
- destHost => SAP B1 SERVER NAME
- destPort => 8080
- authentication => basic
- user => B1i
- Password => B1i Password
- associatedSrvIP => SAP B1 SERVER NAME
- I left all the rest empty. If test connection (WSAN and WSAS) return Success Message, you are right.
- Check what port number you are running on. From the integration framework, goto Maintenance => CfgRuntime. Here you can see the port setting for
- B1i HTTP Port (8080)
- B1i HTTPS port (8443)
- Then... from integration Framework, goto Scenarios => Authentication. In the select box User Def. Author. Identifier, select sap.B1Mobile. Be sure that in Enforce Secure Transport => True
- Ok.. Now we can check some settings inside SAP BUSINESS ONE Application. From Administration => Setup => General => Users select the users who requires acces through IPAD and :
- Ensure that the "Mobile User" are checked.
- In mobile phone, insert the mobile phone number of the user ( if iPad, insert a fac-simile number). We use the international mobile phone number +39 335 xxxxxxx.
- In mobile Device Id you can put the wifi mac-address (in format xx:xx:xx:xx) of the iPAD, if your app version is 1.6.0 or higher. Otherways, you must put in this file the iPad UID ( you can retrieve this from itunes...)
- we must configure the iPad app in the right way. I do it in this way:
- Server => SAP_BUSINESS_ONE_SERVER_IP_ADDRESS:8443 (Eg: this is your LAN server IPADDRESS....
- SSL => On
- DB COMPANY => Your CompanyDb Name
- User => The user name in Sap Business One (previous point 2.1.1)
- Phone Number => (previous point 2.1.2)
- Demo System => OFF
Ok.. with this settings, we are able to connect from iPAD App.
If you need to connect with your iPAD from outside your LAN, weel you need to configure your LAN (firewall, router or other) to achieve your goal.
Following, what i do in my LAN architecture...
We have a domain name registerd with register.it, and we have some PUBLIC STATIC IP from our Internet Service Provider (ISP). So, i created in register DNS a record (type A) like ipadb1.ourdomain.com => A => our PUBLIC STATIC IP (Eg:
In iPad app configuration, i change the Server from SAP_BUSINESS_ONE_SERVER_IP_ADDRESS:8443 to ipadb1.ourdomain.com:8443.
Then i create a firewall rules to nat all incoming traffic from to our SAP_BUSINESS_ONE_SERVER_IP_ADDRESS:8443.
The rules in IPTABLES is like:
ipatles -t nat -A PREROUTING -p tcp -m tcp -d --dport 8443 -j DNAT --to-destination SAP_BUSINESS_ONE_SERVER_IP_ADDRESS:8443..
And that's all ....
The iPad connects to sap both within our LAN or via the sim card, or via wireless connections outside our lan.
I hope that this small and simple guide can help someone in the configuration, saving time and some .... time.
Sorry for my english.. I know it's not good...