ByD's standard Liquidity Forecast Report displays realized cash inflows and outflows, as well as forecasted payments and collections expected in the short and medium term. These forecasts mainly come from outstanding customer and supplier invoices, employee expenses pending to be reimbursed and tax returns to be paid; but it does NOT reflect Sales and Purchasing forecasts.
As a result of this, I often find customers who want to enhance the current report view and avoid tracking Cash Flow outside the system with other tools (e.g.: Microsoft Excel).
SAP Business ByDesign also offers the ability to manually create Forecast Planning Items for flows unknown by the system, such as for example payroll, withholding tax, penalties, other taxes, financial investment interests, and so on.
After gathering feedback from our client portfolio, and taking advantage of the
ManageExpectedLiquidityItemIn Web Service and SAP Cloud Applications Studio, we have developed this Add-On solution that automatically creates Forecast Planning Items derived from existing Business Objects like:
- Invoice Schedules of Sales Orders and Contracts.
- Delivery Schedules of Purchase Orders.

Cash Flow Architecture Diagram
This major enhancement significantly improves the accuracy of the liquidity financial indicator and enables the Management to make better investment and financing decisions.
Customers may get advantage of the following new developed features:
- Reads sales and purchasing documents
Periodically reads Sales Orders, Sales Contracts and Purchase Orders, searching for open Customer Invoice Schedule Milestones and open Supplier Delivery Schedule Items.
- Handles payment terms
Automatically creates Forecast Planning Items for Customer Invoice Schedule Milestones and Supplier Delivery Schedule Items, considering its payment terms.
- Allows configuration by company
Allows programming the frequency of the reading and writing jobs. Facilitates the configuration by company of the default payment terms, house bank and language.

Example of Forecast Planning Item created by the Add-On
How does it work?
For a video demo and to check the additional details, please visit
SAP Store!
Miguel Vargas
SAP Practice Manager
Neteris Consulting