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We reassign account assignment objects to distribute cash resources from financial transactions between Funds or Grants. This does not affect the transaction data or business partner data. The following functions are available:

  • We can transfer positions to funds or grants. In the Money Market and Securities areas, we can also transfer partial positions.
  • By reassigning account assignment objects, we can replace funds and grants with other ones.
  • We can enter the incoming or outgoing payment amounts in position currency.
  • The system calculates the accrued interest for financial instruments that cover interest flows.
  • If the reassignments cause the amounts to differ from the book values, the system generates price gains and losses for the source and target funds within a company code.

In order to use fund transfer we need to make some configuration:

  • IMG -> Financial Supply Chain Management -> Treasury and Risk Management -> Transaction Manager -> General Settings -> Accounting -> Fund Transfer -> Define Update Types and Assign Usages (tr. SM34 -> TRDCV_DFLOWTYPE2)
    • Define Update Types

                    There are no default update types for Fund transfer. So we need to create our own.

    • Assign Update Type to Usages

                    We need to use "9009 Fund transfer" usage in order to assign update types from previous step

  • IMG -> Financial Supply Chain Management -> Treasury and Risk Management -> Transaction Manager -> General Settings -> Accounting -> Fund Transfer -> Assign Update Types for Fund Transfer (tr. SM30 -> TRTFV_DFTASS)

           We need to assign Update typs to Product type and Transaction type:

  • IMG -> Financial Supply Chain Management -> Treasury and Risk Management -> Transaction Manager -> General Settings -> Accounting -> Link to Other Accounting Components -> Define Account Determination.

          These parameters is up to you as it depend on accounting principles you use.

TIP: There is one difference between Fund transfer and other transfers (Portfolio, Account assignment, Valuation class and etc.) It is internal transfer, so transaction and business partner data remain unchanged. But, fund transfer works like purchase and sale: for the source position the transfer looks like a sale, and realized profits and losses are generated and in the target position the transfer acts like a purchase, and only the purchase value is posted.

To use Fund transfwer follow the menu:

SAP Menu -> Accounting -> Financial Supply Chain Management -> Treasury and Risk Management -> Transaction Manager -> Special Functions from Public Sector -> Fund Transfer ->

  • TPM80 - Execute Fund Transfer

Start tr. TPM80.

At selection screen choose product groups. When you choose product groups, General selection field group will appear - so you can limit your transactions.

Select key date - date on which a flow changes the position.

Specify the target fund or target grant if they apply to all the selected positions.

Specify other paramters - they are quite good explaint in F1 help.

Execute transaction in a test mode.

At "Edit selected positions" you can change Fund (and grant if specified). You can also change the payment amount, and specify whether only a partial positionshould be transferred.

You can execute transaction - so you can view Messages and Log.

If everything is alright you can get back to selection screen and execute transaction in update run.

  • TPM81 - Reverse Fund Transfer

The process for the transaction Reverse Fund Transfer corresponds on the whole to the process for transaction Execute Fund Transfer. However, in this case you need to select the transfers that are to be reversed.

Using tr. TPM13 "Subledger cash flow" you can see all flows for you transaction.

for more about Fund transfer reffer to help.sap.com

see more inTRM-PSM integration (Index)

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