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With a few differences, this configuration can be implemented in any WM project:

1.1Define Warehouse Number.
1.1.1To define a Warehouse Number:
Go to:
SPRO  SAP Reference IMG 
Enterprise Structure  Definition  Logistics Execution  Define, copy, delete, check warehouse number.
Press Execute. ( ).
Choose "Define WareHouse Number"

Select 150 (Ottawa Warehouse) to be used as a model and Select "Copy As…" ( ).
Change the number/description of the selected plant to the number/description of the new plant, press Enter and save ( )
Now you have a new plant in your list of created plants. 

1.2Define Plant
1.2.1To define a Plant:

1.3Define the Storage Location
1.3.1To Define a Storage Location
Go to:
Enterprise Structure  Definition  Materials Management  Maintain Storage location
Press Execute. ( ).

Select a plant and press ( )

All the necessary fields are already filled.
Save ( )

1.4Define Control Parameters for WareHouse Number
1.4.1To Define Control Parameters for WareHouse Number
Go to:
SPRO  SAP Reference IMG 
Logistics Execution  WareHouse Management  Master Data  Define Control Parameters for Warehouse Number
Press Execute. ( ).
Select the “SU Management Active” checkbox, the unit “Kg” and the option “B” (Block material (shared) for maximum level of parallel proc.) in the Method field..
Save ( ).

1.5Define Number Ranges
1.5.1To Define Number Ranges
Go to:
SPRO  SAP Reference IMG 
Logistics Execution  WareHouse Management  Master Data  Define Number Ranges
Press Execute. ( ).

Select "Number Ranges"

Copy the numbers in the fields above to your new plant.

Save ( ).

Go back to the first screen and select "For Transfer Requirement"

Select "Copy" ( ) to copy the configurations from an existent plant to your plant and then Select "Copy" ( ) again.

Press ( )
The Source WareHouse will be copied to your new WareHouse

Go back ( ) and the screen will show your that the Transfer Requirement was changed as in the screen below.

Select "For Transfer Order"
Do the same last 4 steps again
Do the same for all the options of this screen: "For Quant", "For Post. Change Notice", "For Group".
Go back ( ).

1.6Define Storage Type
1.6.1To Define Storage Type
Go to:
SPRO  SAP Reference IMG 
Logistics Execution  WareHouse Management  Master Data  Define Storage Type
Press Execute. ( ).
Te select a block, Select the first item of the block that you want to create, click in "Select block" ( ) , Select the last item of the block and Select the "Select Block" ( ) Button again.
Select "Copy" ( )
Change the value of the field "Whse number" from the source copied plant to the number of your new plant and press "Enter".
Maintain the other fields as they are.
Do the same for all the fields selected in the block.
Save ( ).
Go back ( ).

1.7Define Storage Sections
1.7.1To Define Storage Sections
Go to:
SPRO  SAP Reference IMG 
Logistics Execution  WareHouse Management  Master Data  Define Storage Sections
Press Execute. ( ).

Select all the following Storage Sections from 150 (Ottawa):

Select "Copy" ( )
Change the value of the field "Stor" from the source copied plant to the number of your new plant and DON'T press "Enter".
Maintain the other fields as they are.
Do the same for all the fields selected in the block.
Press "Enter".
Save ( ).
Go back ( ).

1.8Define Picking Area
1.8.1To Define Picking Area
Go to:
SPRO  SAP Reference IMG 
Logistics Execution  WareHouse Management  Master Data  Define Picking Area
Press Execute. ( ).

Select the fields with the configuration that you'll need to use in your plant.

Select "Copy" ( )


Change the value of the field "Whouse" from the source copied plant to the number of your new plant and DON'T press "Enter".
Maintain the other fields as they are.
Do the same for all the fields selected in the block.
Press "Enter".
Save ( ).
Go back ( ).

1.9Define Storage Bin Types
1.9.1To Define Storage Bin Types
Go to:
SPRO  SAP Reference IMG 
Logistics Execution  WareHouse Management  Master Data  Storage Bins  Define Storage Bin Types
Press Execute. ( ).

Select the fields with the configuration that you'll need to use in your plant.

Select "Copy" ( )


Change the value of the field "W…" from the source copied plant to the number of your new plant and DON'T press "Enter".
Maintain the other fields as they are.
Press "Enter".
Save ( ).
Go back ( ).

1.10Define Blocking Reasons
1.10.1To Define Blocking Reasons
Go to:
SPRO  SAP Reference IMG 
Logistics Execution  WareHouse Management  Master Data  Storage Bins  Define Blocking Reasons
Press Execute. ( ).

Select a block of fields with the entire configuration that you'll need to use in your plant.

Select  “Copy” ( )


Change the value of the field "Whouse" from the source copied plant to the number of your new plant and DON'T press "Enter".
Maintain the other fields as they are.
Do the same for all the fields selected in the block.
Press "Enter".
Save ( ).
Go back ( ).

1.11Material - Define Storage Type Indicators
1.11.1To Define Storage Type Indicator
Go to:
SPRO  SAP Reference IMG 
Logistics Execution  Warehouse Management  Master Data  Material  Define Storage Types Indicators
Press Execute. ( ).

Select the fields with the configuration that you'll need to use in your plant.

Select  “Copy” ( ).


Change the value of the field "Wh…" from the source copied plant to the number of your new plant and DON'T press "Enter".
Maintain the other fields as they are.
Press "Enter".
Save ( ).
Go back ( ).

1.12Define Storage Unit Types
1.12.1To Define Storage Unit Types
Go to:
SPRO  SAP Reference IMG 
Logistics Execution  Warehouse Management  Master Data  Material  Define Storage Unit Types
Press Execute. ( ).

Select the fields with the configuration that you'll need to use in your plant.

Select  “Copy” ( ).


Change the value of the field "Wh…" from the source copied plant to the number of your new plant and DON'T press "Enter".
Maintain the other fields as they are.
Press "Enter".
Save ( ).
Go back ( ).

1.13Define Storage Section Indicators
1.13.1To Define Storage Section Indicators
Go to:
SPRO  SAP Reference IMG 
Logistics Execution  Warehouse Management  Master Data  Material  Define Storage Section Indicators
Press Execute. ( ).

Select the fields with the configuration that you'll need to use in your plant.

Select  “Copy” ( ).


Change the value of the field "Wh…" from the source copied plant to the number of your new plant and DON'T press "Enter".
Maintain the other fields as they are.
Press "Enter".
Save ( ).
Go back ( ).

1.14Define Bulk Storage Indicators
1.14.1To Define Bulk Storage Indicators
Go to:
SPRO  SAP Reference IMG 
Logistics Execution  Warehouse Management  Master Data  Material  Define Bulk Storage Indicators
Press Execute. ( ).

Select the fields with the configuration that you'll need to use in your plant.

Select  “Copy” ( ).


Change the value of the field "Wh…" from the source copied plant to the number of your new plant and DON'T press "Enter".
Maintain the other fields as they are.
Press "Enter".
Save ( ).
Go back ( ).

1.15Transfers - Define Requirement Types
1.15.1To Define Requirement Types
Go to:
SPRO  SAP Reference IMG 
Logistics Execution  Warehouse Management  Activities  Transfers  Define Requirement Types
Press Execute. ( ).

Select a block of fields with the entire configuration that you'll need to use in your plant.

Te select a block, click in the first item of the block that you want to create, click in "Select block" ( ), click in the last item of the block and click in the "Select Block" ( ) Button again.
Select  “Copy” ( )


Change the value of the field "Whouse" from the source copied plant to the number of your new plant and DON'T press "Enter".
Maintain the other fields as they are.
Do the same for all the fields selected in the block.
Press "Enter".
Save ( ).
Go back ( ).

1.16Define Shipment Types
1.16.1To Define Shipment Types
Go to:
SPRO  SAP Reference IMG 
Logistics Execution  WareHouse Management  Activities  Transfers  Define Shipment Types
Press Execute. ( ).

Select the fields with the configuration that you'll need to use in your plant.

Select  “Copy” ( ).


Change the value of the field "Wh…" from the source copied plant to the number of your new plant and DON'T press "Enter".
Maintain the other fields as they are.
Press "Enter".
Save ( ).
Go back ( ).

1.17Define Movement Types
1.17.1To Define Movement Types
Go to:
SPRO  SAP Reference IMG 
Logistics Execution  WareHouse Management  Activities  Transfers  Define Movement Types
Press Execute. ( ).

Select a block of fields with the entire configuration that you'll need to use in your plant.

Te select a block, click in the first item of the block that you want to create, click in "Select block" ( ), click in the last item of the block and click in the "Select Block" ( ) Button again.
Select  “Copy” ( )
Change the value of the field "Whouse" from the source copied plant to the number of your new plant and press "Enter"
Maintain the other fields as they are.
Do the same for all the fields selected in the block.
Save ( ).
Go back ( ).

1.18Generate Interim Storage Bins
1.18.1To Generate Interim Storage Bins
Go to:
SPRO  SAP Reference IMG 
Logistics Execution  Warehouse Management  Interfaces  Inventory Management  Generate Interim Storage Bins
Press Execute. ( ).

Inform the number of your new WareHouse and press Execute. ( ).

Click in "Create Bins"( )
You'll be redirected to the SPRO with the warning about the creation of the bins.

1.19Allow Negative Stocks in Interim Storage Types
1.19.1To Allow Negative Stocks in Interim Storage Types
Go to:
SPRO  SAP Reference IMG 
Logistics Execution  Warehouse Management  Interfaces  Inventory Management  Allow Negative Stocks in Interim Storage Types
Press Execute. ( ).

Select "Allow negative Stock to each storage type"

Verify if your new plant has the same check-boxes checked as the existent plants.
Go back ( ).
Close ( ).

1.20Shipping - Define Shipping Control
1.20.1To Define Shipping Control
Go to:
SPRO  SAP Reference IMG 
Logistics Execution  WareHouse Management  Interfaces  Shipping  Define Shipping Control
Press Execute. ( ).

1.21Mobile Data / Verification Control - Define Profiles
1.21.1To Define user profiles
Go to:
SPRO  SAP Reference IMG 
Logistics Execution  Mobile Data Entry  Verification Control  Define Profile
Press Execute. ( ).

Select the fields with the configuration that you'll need to use in your plant.

Select  “Copy” ( ).


Change the value of the field "W…" from the source copied plant to the number of your new plant and DON'T press "Enter".
Maintain the other fields as they are.
Press "Enter".
Save ( ).
Go back ( ).

1.22Assign Verification Profiles to Goods Movements
1.22.1To Assign Verification Profiles to Goods Movements
Go to:
SPRO  SAP Reference IMG 
Logistics Execution  Mobile Data Entry  Verification Control  Assign Verification Profiles to Goods Movements
Press Execute. ( ).

Select the fields with the configuration that you'll need to use in your plant.

Select  “Copy” ( ).


Change the value of the field "Warehouse No." from the source copied plant to the number of your new plant and DON'T press "Enter".
Maintain the other fields as they are.
Press "Enter".
Save ( ).
Go back ( ).

1.23Bar Code
1.23.1To Configure the Bar Code tool
Go to:
SPRO  SAP Reference IMG 
Logistics Execution  Mobile Data Entry  Bar Code  Assign Bar Code Types to WareHouse Numbers
Press Execute. ( ).

Select the fields with the configuration that you'll need to use in your plant.
Select  “Copy” ( ).


Change the value of the field "Wh…" from the source copied plant to the number of your new plant and DON'T press "Enter".
Maintain the other fields as they are.
Press "Enter".
Save ( ).
Go back ( ).

1.24Mobile Data Entry- Define Menu Management
1.24.1To Configure the Mobile Data Entry tool
Go to:
SPRO  SAP Reference IMG 
Logistics Execution  Mobile Data Entry  Define Menu Management
Press Execute. ( ).

Select a block of fields with the entire configuration that you'll need to use in your plant.

Te select a block, click in the first item of the block that you want to create, click in "Select block" ( ), click in the last item of the block and click in the "Select Block" ( ) Button again.
Select  “Copy” ( )
Change the value of the field "Whouse" from the source copied plant to the number of your new plant and DON'T press "Enter".
Maintain the other fields as they are.
Do the same for all the fields selected in the block.
Press "Enter".
Save ( ).
Go back ( ).

1.25RF Queue Management
1.25.1To Configure the Mobile Data Entry tool
Go to:
SPRO  SAP Reference IMG 
Logistics Execution  Mobile Data Entry  RF Queue management
Press Execute. ( ).

Select "Define Queues"

Select the fields with the configuration that you'll need to use in your plant.

Select  “Copy” ( ).
Change the value of the field "Wh…" from the source copied plant to the number of your new plant and DON'T press "Enter".
Maintain the other fields as they are.
Press "Enter".
Save ( ).
Go back ( ).

1.25.2To define Areas and Activities to Queues

Select "Assign Areas and Activities to Queues"

Select the fields with the configuration that you'll need to use in your plant.

Select  “Copy” ( ).


Change the value of the field "W…" from the source copied plant to the number of your new plant and DON'T press "Enter".
Maintain the other fields as they are.
Press "Enter".
Save ( ).
Go back ( ).

1.25.3To define Processor to Queues

Select "Assign Processor to Queues"

Select the fields with the configuration that you'll need to use in your plant.

Select  “Copy” ( ).
Change the value of the field "Wh…" from the source copied plant to the number of your new plant and DON'T press "Enter".
Maintain the other fields as they are.
Press "Enter".
Maybe you'll receive a warning saying that some users are active in another center.
In this case unselect the checkbox.
Save ( ).
Go back ( ).
Close ( ).

1.26Assign warehouse number to plant/storage location
1.26.1To Assign warehouse number to plant/storage location
Go to:
SPRO  SAP Reference IMG 
Enterprise Structure  Assignment  Logistics Execution  Assign warehouse number to plant/storage location
Press Execute. ( ).

Select "New Entries"
Assign the warehouse number to plant/storage location.

Save ( ).
Go back ( ).

1.27Activate Storage Section Search
1.27.1To Activate Storage Section Search
Go to:
SPRO  SAP Reference IMG 
Logistics Execution  Warehouse Management  Strategies  Activate Storage Type Search

Press Execute. ( ).

Storage type ind. > Define.
oCopy from 150 (Ottawa) to ???
Determine search.
oCopy all the operations and Tylnd Storage Type ind. From 150 to 210 VASA
Movement type references > Define.
oCopy all the movement types from 150 (Ottawa) to ???
Access optimization > Storage Type Search
oCopy all the access strategy from 150 (Ottawa) to ???

1.28Activate Storage Bin Type Search.
1.28.1To Activate Storage Bin Type Search:
Go to:
SPRO  SAP Reference IMG 
Logistics Execution  Warehouse Management  Strategies  Activate Storage Bin Type Search
Press Execute. ( ).
In “Definition”
oStorage Bin Types
Copy the storage Bin Type from 150 (Ottawa) to ???
Press Enter and save ( )
oStorage Unit Types
Copy the Storage Unit Types from 150 (Ottawa) to ???
Press Enter and save ( )
In “Assignments”
oStorage Bin Types
Copy all the storage Bin Types from 150 (Ottawa) to ???
Press Enter and save ( )
oStorage Unit Types
Copy all the Storage Unit Types from 150 (Ottawa) to ???
Press Enter and save ( )

1.29Define Strategy for Pallets.
1.29.1To Define Strategy for Pallets:
Go to:
SPRO  SAP Reference IMG 
Logistics Execution  Warehouse Management  Strategies  Putaway Strategies  Define Strategy for Pallets
Press Execute. ( ).
In “Bin Section”
Copy all the types and sections from 150 (Ottawa) to ???
Press Enter and save ( )

1.30Define Strategy for Bulk Storage.
1.30.1To Define Strategy for Bulk Storage:
Go to:
SPRO  SAP Reference IMG 
Logistics Execution  Warehouse Management  Strategies  Putaway Strategies  Define Strategy for Bulk Storage
Press Execute. ( ).
In “Define Type Control”
Copy all the storage types from 150 (Ottawa) to ???
Press Enter and save ( )
In “Define”
oBulk Storage Indicator
Copy the bulk Storage from 150 (Ottawa) to ???
Press Enter and save ( )
In “Define”
oBlock Struct
Copy all the Storage types from 150 (Ottawa) to ???
Press Enter and save ( )

1.31Physical Inventory.
1.31.1Define Values for Physical Inventory:
Go to:
SPRO  SAP Reference IMG 
Logistics Execution  Warehouse Management  Activities  Physical Inventory  Define Default Values
Press Execute. ( ).
Define Default Values
Copy all the default values from 150 (Ottawa) to ???
Press Enter and save ( )
1.31.2Define Types per Storage Type
Go to:
SPRO  SAP Reference IMG 
Logistics Execution  Warehouse Management  Activities  Physical Inventory  Define Types per Storage Type
Press Execute. ( ).
Copy all the storage types from 150 (Ottawa) to ???
Press Enter and save ( )
1.31.3Define Differences and Document Limits
Go to:
SPRO  SAP Reference IMG 
Logistics Execution  Warehouse Management  Activities  Physical Inventory  Define Differences and Document Limits
Press Execute. ( ).
Register the position for differences, clear inventory and quantity of items possible in that addresses.

Press Enter and save ( )
1.31.4Clear Differences (Interface to Inventory Management)
Go to:
SPRO  SAP Reference IMG 
Logistics Execution  Warehouse Management  Activities  Physical Inventory  Clear Differences (Interface to Inventory Management)
Press Execute. ( ).
Select Do Not Allow Clearing in Storage Types
oFill all the checkboxes of the Storage Types
Press Enter and save ( )
1.31.5Maintain Number Ranges
Go to:
SPRO  SAP Reference IMG 
Logistics Execution  Warehouse Management  Activities  Physical Inventory  Maintain Number Ranges
Press Execute. ( ).
Maintain Number Ranges
oIn “Assignmnt”, select “Number ranges”
Fill the fields “Invent.NR” and “TO inventory NR”

oIn “Number range intervals”, select “For inventory”
Copy all the configuration from 150 (Ottawa) to ???.

4General Configuration
4.1Automatic transfer order confirmation

To configure the automatic transfer order confirmation, go to SPRO  Logistics Execution  WM  Master Data  Define Storage Type

Select the storage types that you want to have automatic transfer order confirmation and leave the selection “Stock plcmt requires confirmation” blank.

4.2Number range interval “01” for inventory documents.

Without this number range is impossible to active the inventory documents and this configuration is not copied during a refresh, so go to transaction LN05 and copy the range interval from a default plant.

4.3Request Transfer from 010 to 020

Go to SCC1 and inform the source client (010) and the number of the transport request.


Select “Including request Subtasks” and press “Start immediately”.

4.4Wich users will have access to witch mobile data transactions

SPRO  Logistics Execution  Mobile Data Entry  RF Queue Management  Assign Processor to Queues

In the client 010, not all the users will be available, and don’t generate a request, so this must be verified in all clients.

4.5User profile for mobile Data Entry

This configuration must be verified in all clients.

Add the following information to all users

LGN: inform the Warehouse Number

WRK: inform the Plant

VST: inform the Shipping point

4.6Allowed storage unit types not defined for storage xxx

When you try to transfer batches from one storage unit type to another eg.: 004 to 012 and this message is showed, its because the configuration below is missing.

Transaction OMM1:

Logistics Execution  Warehouse Management  Strategies  Activate Storage Bin Type Search  Assignments  Storage Type

Register the missing storage types in this table

Labels in this area