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Recently I have worked on a logistic issue and thought to update my analysis here. PFB:

At times, there can be a business requirement to replace GR form purchase order (MvT 101) into receiving ASN with MvT 107 and then subsequently posting goods against this Material Doc with MvT 109. Basically if the loop for quality testing and UD form purchase is more, then the vendors have to wait for a long time for payments to be cleared. So by MvT 107 and MvT 109 unblocks this situation.

At the same time, these MvT's brings in some additional challenges like inspection lots generated form MvT 107 is non-stock relevant and inspection lot form MvT 109 is stock-relevant. All quality processing is relevant for inbound materials, hence it is advised to retain the inspection lot creation for MvT 109 and deactivating QM form MvT 107.

To achieve this business case, you can deactivate QM from MvT 107 as follows -

Tx: OMJJ ==> Deactivate QM inspection / delivery category => Add a new row for MvT 107, for movement indicator B and select the checkbox "QM not active". SAVE.

NOTE: We had only one plant so there is no impact on this configuration. In case if there are more plant accessing this MvT 107 and still some plant wants to retain the MvT 107 behavior, you should go through the RICEFW/User exit route, as Config might not be suitable for that purpose.

Then when you execute your regular process of receiving ASN in plant, then you will not get an inspection lot created for MvT 107. This process will have no impact on on MvT 109.

For more details, you can refer the attached document. Please let me know your thoughts here.



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