As this is my first blog post, I would like to show you a simplified SAP process on the SAP Easy Access screen using Liquid UI. Liquid UI is an enterprise platform for SAP users to create streamlined and automated SAP business processes. Furthermore, you can consolidate screens/tabs and combine multiple transactions into one seamless business process for a simplified workflow.
Generally, SAP users face challenges for the following:
- To improve operational efficiency
- For transparency and visibility throughout the fleet maintenance process
- To simplify complex screens and data entry process
- To track the complex work orders in the SAP system
- To maintain security throughout the transaction process
Liquid UI for SAP GUI provides a customized and streamlined SAP process by simplifying the critical tasks such as manual entry of notifications, work orders, assurance of parts, odometer readings, and other business processes. Here Liquid UI uses Javascript-based Web Scripts called WS for customizing the SAP screens. Web Scripts uses object-oriented programming concepts to reuse the scripts, objects, and functions in various SAP screen script files.
SAP customized transaction process helps in performing proper inspections and maintenance on work processes resulting in greater efficiency.
Simplified SAP process
In this scenario, you will learn how to create a launchpad on the SAP Easy Access screen, from which you will navigate to various customized Purchase Order and Purchase Requisition screens. Just walk through the following steps to understand customizations on SAP screens and the working process after customizations.
- Customize SAP Easy Access screen
- Delete an Activex container
- Add a group box
- Add six pushbuttons to navigate to various purchase order screens
- Customize Purchase Order screens
- Add conditionalized script to apply the required UI changes in respective purchase order screens
- UI changes such as changing title, and deleting unnecessary fields on the respective screens
- Simplified SAP Process
Step1: Customize SAP Easy Access screen
Now, create this file (SAPLSMTR_NAVIGATION.E0100.sjs) inside your script folder for customizing the SAP Easy Access screen and add the following script in the file.
- Firstly, delete the image container on the SAP Easy Access screen using the del command.
Deleting an image container on the SAP easy access screen
- Then add a group box to place the pushbuttons, thus creating a launchpad to navigate to the purchase order screens.
//Creates a groupbox with “Purchase Order/Purchase Requisition” as a title
box([1,1],[7,36], "Purchase Order/Purchase Requisition");
- Add six pushbuttons inside the group box created on the screen to navigate through six different Purchase Order and Requisition screens, as shown below.
//Creates pushbuttons that navigates you to Purchase Order screens
pushbutton([2,3], "ME21N", '/nME21N', {'size':[1,15]});
pushbutton([4,3], "ME22N", '/nME22N', {'size':[1,15]});
pushbutton([6,3], "ME23N", '/nME23N', {'size':[1,15]});
pushbutton([2,20], "ME51N", '/nME51N', {'size':[1,15]});
pushbutton([4,20], "ME52N", '/nME52N', {'size':[1,15]});
pushbutton([6,20], "ME53N", '/nME53N', {'size':[1,15]});
Step2: Customize Purchase Order screens
Now, add a few customizations to the Purchase Order screens using WS scripts. As Purchase Order and Requisition screens have the same script filename, we can recognize these screens individually by conditionalizing them based on the transaction code and adding required customizations. Here I have changed the screen titles by appending required text to the existing title and deleted unnecessary fields like toolbar pushbuttons and input fields on the respective screen, as shown below in the script. You can make changes to the SAP screens as per your business requirement.
Create this file (SAPLMEGUI.E0014.sjs) inside your script folder for customizing Purchase Order screens and add the following script to show various customized Purchase Order screens.
// User Interface
if(_transaction == 'ME21N' || _transaction == 'ME22N' || _transaction == 'ME23N' ||
_transaction == 'ME51N' || _transaction == 'ME52N' || _transaction == 'ME53N' ) {
// Differentiate between Purchase Order(PO) and Purchase Requisition(PR) screens
if(<'F[Doc. date]'>.isValid) { // PO Transaction
if(!<'F[Doc. date]'>.isprotected) { // Create PO Transaction
// Create PO Interface Code goes here
title(_title + ' - Liquid UI Screen');
del('P[Personal Setting]'); // Toolbar Pushbutton
} else {
// Change or Display PO Transaction
if(<'P[Check]'>.isValid) {
// Change PO Transaction
// Change PO Interface Code goes here
title(_title + ' - Liquid UI Screen');
} else { // Display PO Transaction
// Display PO Interface Code goes here
title(_title + ' - Liquid UI Screen');
} else {
title(_title + ' - Liquid UI Screen');
// PR Transaction
Step3: Simplified SAP Process for Purchase Order screens
Now, check the simplified SAP process that navigates you directly to the respective customized Purchase Order screen from the Easy Access screen.
- Refresh the SAP Easy Access screen after saving the screen script files, and you will see the following changes in it.
- Click the ME21N push button on the launchpad to navigate to the Purchase Order screen, where you will find the modified screen title as defined in the WS script.
- Then if you click the ME51N push button on the launchpad, you will navigate to the Purchase Order screen. Here you will find the modified screen title defined in the WS script.
Similarly, you can click the other pushbuttons added in the group box that navigates to the respective screens. Furthermore, you can make changes in the PO screens as per your requirement using WS scripts.
Hope you enjoyed this post.
I am excited to add more detailed blog posts on more simplified transaction processes that will help SAP users.