Understanding what utility programs are available, when and how to use them are important for Central Finance implementations. The purpose of this post is to give a brief overview of utility programs that I have found useful.
Central Finance: Check Mapping
This program allows you to test value and key mappings configured on your Central Finance system. The program is quite useful during the configuration of value mappings because it quickly allows you to validate whether the configuration is correct.
Using the program is straightforward, enter your source system the mapping object and the source value(s). If the mapping object has context associated like controlling area or chart of accounts enter these as well.
Apply note 2542156 to get a better user experience with this utility.
Reopen Technically Cleared Items referenced by an AIF clearing
Use this program to reopen technically cleared items that were loaded as part of the initial load (Clearing document is set as "ALE-extern") that have a subsequent error in AIF due to a clearing being transferred from source systems.
The related error message in AIF is FINS_CFIN_AC_DOC 056 "Ref. open item already cleared (comp.code $1, f.year $2, doc $3, item $4)"
Typically technically cleared items come about from:
- The time between FI initial load, re-opening of technical clearings and the start of replication. In other words, the longer the period between initial load extract and the start of replication the more likely you will have to use this utility
- Reversals and reset of clearings of documents that were part of the document transfer period to central finance
One issue with this utility program is that it does not automatically restart the messages in error in AIF. You have to manually restart these and it may result in you running multiple iterations of RFINS_CFIN_REOPN_TECH_CLRD_DOC then
For related information refer to SAP note 2491347.
Repost missing cleared items to Central Finance
The use of this program comes about from 2 different scenarios:
- During processing of a follow-on document the referenced document was not found. This is usually a temporary problem caused by the sequence in which documents are processed. Either the processing of the follow-on transaction was started before the referenced document was posted or reprocessing of the referenced document using the function “Central Reversal with reposting” was incomplete
- This error message might also be generated in AIF for a reset clearing transaction if the open items which are referenced by the reset clearing have not been replicated into the Central Finance system, for example, because they were not included in the initial load.
The related error message in AIF is FINS_CFIN_AC_DOC 051 "Referenced document not yet posted (Comp.Code $1, F.Year $2, Document $3)".
The program will post new documents on central finance and the offsetting line will be booked to the data migration take-on account configured in the
Define Clearing and Substitution Accounts (table FINS_CFIN_SACC).
Once the missing items are posted then restart the messages manually in AIF, the program does not do this automatically. Again it may result in you running multiple iterations to load missing items and restart the AIF messages manually to clear all the errors.
After the AIF messages are processed the take-on account will balance to zero.
Central Finance: Deletion of FI Documents
Especially useful in test phases to delete and reset loaded data from the FI interface. This program is available with SAP note 2503301. Also consider corrections in notes below.
To delete individual documents use program FINS_DELETE_DOCUMENTS.
Central Finance: Deletion of CO Documents
This deletes data loaded from the CO interface on a document basis. If you are looking for a mass delete then use program FINS_CFIN_CO_DOCS_IL_RESET.
Central Reversal with Reposting FI Documents
This program is available as a pilot with note 2393791. To access this note you have to raise an incident on component FI-CF-AC. Please be aware that this program has many limitations documented in the note.
What this program allows you to do is reverse and repost documents into central finance provided they have only been transferred as part of replication (documents posted from initial load are not supported!).
This is particularly useful when it is not possible to reverse and repost a finance transaction on the source system. Some reasons for using this tool are to correct:
- Incorrect business mapping (key or value mapping, cost object mapping)
- Incorrect customer-specific logic in BAdI methods
- Incorrect application logic (e.g. fixes applied to Central Finance system)
- During test phases for example to test variations of document splitting configuration
Central Reversal with Reposting CO Documents
Similar to the utility mentioned above but this tool covers CO documents.The limitations of this tool are much less because all CO documents are loaded into Central Finance by replication using SLT and clearing processes are not supported or necessary in CO.
Execute single step in the mass data framework
The mass data framework is the tool set used by the Central Finance initial load. It is used also in a number of conversion processed in the finance area for system conversions to S/4 HANA. Using this tool probably warrants its own post so I wont go into any details.
Broadly speaking you can use this tool to extract, simulate posting, simulate mapping and post initial load data using specific package keys. You can nominate the package keys yourself that gives you the ability to test with 1 or many documents.