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In this blog we will see the capacity leveling and evaluation. Capacity evaluation is just a monitor to see weather all the resource/ work centers are available or not. Capacity leveling is moving the orders from one date to other if the capacity is not available or overloaded.

Before that why we need capacity apps in PP?

In APO all the materials will be planned by considering all the operation time and work centers as finite capacity in MRP itself. So all production orders will be created by considering the capacity accurately (Work hours, Break time, shift time, relationship time, inter operation time, Splits). Here we are in no need of Capacity planning.

But in PP all the  materials are planned by considering all the operation time and work centers as infinite capacity in MRP. so the system will not consider the capacity accurately. So the production orders will be created without considering the capacity. The operation times are considered only per order per material. For a material all orders will be created on same day. Since we need to do capacity leveling again in PP system.

That's why we are using APO for Planning (MRP) and PP for execution (Confirmation, GI, GR).

Finite Capacity - Molding machine which can handle certain amount of product on a day

Infinite capacity - Cooling silo which can cool enormous amount of air on a day

Main Part - Master data

Created materials and BOM as usual. Resource / Work center - MOULD with 24 working hrs. per day

Note : I missed to mention the active version. But its mandatory for Mange work center capacity app.

Capacity Formulas to be maintained.


Routing - Here I mentioned 24 hrs. for making 1 magazine.

As per the above master data we can manufacture only one magazine per day as the machine MOULD can work 24 hrs. a day. Creating one production order for 1 quantity.

I am using forward scheduling and starting on 20.02.2023. As per above statement it take 1 day to produce one magazine and the production gets ended by 20.02.2023.

Capacity Evaluation - We will see the app manage work center capacity app

At first maintain the area of responsibility in app settings. Otherwise work center will not be visible in app. Here we could see one production order on date 20.02.2023. The color is amber as the capacity is fully utilized. If its red means overload and green means under load.

Now I am creating another order on same day 20.03.2023

You may expect the new order should start by next date 21.02.2023, since we have capacity check in production order screen and we already have one order on 20.02.2023.

But PP system will not schedule the orders by considering the capacity by itself. If the order needs to schedule to next day you need to go to capacity planning table for evaluating the capacity condition and to put the schedule start data on next available capacity date.

But this will also not be possible in FIORI if you are using grand chart capacity evaluation profile. Side by side you can use Monitor work center schedule apps for understanding it. Here also assign the area of responsibility in app settings.

It will not be possible to do the scheduling one by one. So we have an app called Manage work center capacity to see all the capacity overloads.

Now save the production order and go to Manage work center capacity app.

As two orders scheduled on same day the evaluation app shows overload. Now capacity evaluation is done. i.e. we have realized that there are some overload in work center. Now we have to reduce the overload. So we have to either delete or reschedule the production order.

Also you can use the Monitor work center schedules app to get the detailed view.

Here you can see two orders scheduled on same day. (Click arrow mark near work center to see the no of orders on same work center)

Capacity Leveling - To reduce the overload we need to use schedule production app

To see the data in schedule production app we need to mention bottleneck work center (work center which takes the longest time - lead time with in the routing) in production version as production line. This can be mentioned in C223. i.e. production version.

Bottle neck work center means the work center which takes the longest time among other work centers in the routing of finished material. This app should be configured first and to configure this app please follow this link

Here also we have to maintain the person responsibility and strategy. Inside Strategy you need to maintain the scheduling and industry type.

Below you can see the two order which we have created and all are not dispatched. i.e not yet confirmed by capacity planned to start the production.

Now the capacity planned need to select all the production order and to dispatch the orders so that the operators can start the production and to reduce the overload. After dispatching we need to save the orders. Otherwise the changes will not be saved.

So here system will automatically check the capacity and reschedule the orders, so that the overload will be reduced.

After dispatch you can see the status as dispatched. Now capacity leveling is done. We will do the capacity evaluation again to confirm that all the overloads has been cleared in work centers or not.

Here you can see that the two orders has been scheduled next to next days based on capacity availability. Same you can see in Monitor work center schedules app. Now the capacity evaluation done.

Note: In OPU3 the value adjust dates should be mentioned as below. So that the successive operation dates will be synchronized as per predecessors.


Capacity check in CO01: Below configurations are to be there

Order control Parameters - OPJK with overall profile SAPSFCG013 - This overall profile will be used to do capacity check in background.


Scheduling Parameters - OPU3


Scheduling Parameters - OPKP This need to be maintained in Material master.


This capacity profile in scheduling parameters SAPSFCG001 will be override when we navigate to CM25 via CO01. Capacity check will work on weekly bucket and not on daily bucket. i.e the capacity will show unavailable only if we load the work centers for whole week based on order start date..

I hope this may help you on knowing the capacity evaluation and leveling. Would like you guys to see more relevant things using the linkWould very much appreciate your comments and suggestions below.

You can use CM40 to schedule the Orders in background and in mass. 
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