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In one project there was a requirement to maintain persons in appraisal document body. This was done in BADI HRHAP00_ENHANCE_FIX.

Also position's name was required next to person's name.

Standard solution - Z column with BADI HRHAP00_HRHAP00_VAL_DET with autofilling comment field. But comments are hide by default and user have to unhide them every type. Users were very fastidious and claimed more comfortable solution.

The Solution:

There is web description for every element. But unfortunately it is a constant in standard appraisal system.

Lets do it dynamic like this.

And enhance two FMs HRHAP_DOC_BODY_ENHANCE and HRHAP_DOCUMENT_GET_DETAIL in the end, instead of variable [plan] fill descriptions from position's name.

FIELD-SYMBOLS: <descr> like LINE OF t_body_element_descr.
DATA: ls_plans type pa0001-plans,
       ls_text type hrp1000-stext,
       ls_element like LINE OF t_body_elements.
LOOP AT t_body_element_descr ASSIGNING <descr>.
  IF <descr>-tline = '[plans]'.
     Read table t_body_elements into ls_element with key row_iid = <descr>-row_iid.
    SELECT single plans into ls_plans
      FROM pa0001
     WHERE pernr ls_element-foreign_id
       AND begda <= s_header_dates-ap_end_date
       AND endda >= s_header_dates-ap_end_date.
    SELECT SINGLE stext into ls_text
      FROM hrp1000
     WHERE plvar = '01'
       AND otype = 'S'
       and objid = ls_plans
       and begda <= s_header_dates-ap_end_date
       and endda >= s_header_dates-ap_end_date
       and langu = sy-langu.

    <descr>-tline = ls_text.

After that we have persons position's name next to name of element (person's name).

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