Configure SAP-SIC (SAP Integration Component) for Vertex
As a SAP BASIS Consultant, sometimes we need to Manage and Maintain a Software called Vertex. There is multiple aspect of this software and one of that is Administration of Vertex Application. So I thought to share my knowledge while working as an SAP BASIS Administrator. We have seen the "
Overview of Vertex" in the previous blog. After installation of SAP Application and Vertex (external tax solution) we need to make connection between SAP Application and Vertex. To make connection, we need to install and configure the SAP-SIC.
SAP generally using Vertex developed SAP Integration Component (SIC) as the middleware to Vertex for all indirect tax calculations in SAP. SIC is supported on most of the same operating systems that support SAP software. SIC runs as a registered RFC process. SIC needs JDK (Java Development Kit) to run the SIC and SAP JCo (Java Connector). SIC uses JCo to pass information to and from SAP applications.
In this blog, we will discuss what is the required steps to Install SAP-SIC for SAP and How to apply necessary patches to Vertex Application with SAP-SIC.
Basic steps to get SAP-SIC up and running:
- Download the SAP-SIC installer and latest patch.
- Download the SAP JCo (SAP Java Connector).
- Install SAP-SIC and JCo.
- Patch SAP-SIC.
- Edit configuration files with your specific SAP and O Series properties.
Installing SIC on a UNIX platform
To install SAP-SIC we need to download the latest from Vertex Support Portal and Download the latest SAP JAVA Connector (JCo) version 3.1 from SAP. We need to create directory named SIC_HOME and JCo_HOME at OS level.
(Vertex recommends placing the JCo_HOME directory in SIC_HOME)
Once downloaded the required files and required directory created, we need to extract the downloaded JCo zip file into the JCo_HOME directory. To extract the compressed downloaded software we need to switch the SIC_HOME directory and execute “jar -xvf /SIC_HOME/”. It will extract the software and from extracted file we need to Copy ( and sapjco3.jar) from JCo_HOME to SIC_HOME/lib directory. To start SAP-SIC execute “SIC_HOME/bin/”. It will start the SAP-SIC in foreground, while To start SAP-SIC in Background execute “/SIC_HOME/bin> nohup &”.
Patching SIC to apply/Remove a service release
It is always recommended to keep the SAP-SIC up-to dated. Below are the steps to apply a service release for SAP-SIC and Remove the release for SAP-SIC in case if we are having any issue after apply the latest service release.
Apply a service release for SIC
- Download the latest SIC patch from myVertex in the solution downloads section.
- Extract the zip file to a temporary location
- Copy the service release JAR file (vertex_sic_patch-9.1.x.x.jar) to the patch directory under SIC_HOME
- Stop SIC.
- Open a command window to the SIC_HOME\patch directory and enter the following command to and apply the service release: “java -jar vertex_sic_patch-9.1.x.x.jar”
- Restart SIC
Remove a service release for SIC
- Change the working directory to the patch directory under SIC_HOME
- Stop SIC
- Enter the following command to launch the installer and uninstall the service release: java -jar vertex_sic_patch-7.0.X.X.jar –remove
- Restart SIC
Edit Configuration File
All the parameter for the SAP-SIC is stored in a configuration file named R3-Config.XML. For any change in the parameter SAP-SIC, we need to modify the R3-Config.XML file (this file is located at conf directory under the directory SIC_HOME). To communicate with multiple SAP application servers, each SAP application server must have its own R3 Instance created in the r3-config.xml. By default, SIC connects with only one SAP application server. Connecting Multiple SAP Application Servers to SIC, Each instance name must be unique. Also, you must replace any data surrounded by @@@ with your specific SAP information.
Note: - Multiple connections increase the amount of memory used by SIC. Be sure to increase the amount of memory for SIC as you increase the number of connections and listeners.
After all setup, we need to make a RFC in SAP System to connect with Vertex using SAP-SIC. We will discuss regarding for RFC creation and Test the connectivity in next blog.
We have seen the function of SAP-SIC and understood about the installation of the same. And we have also seen how to apply/remove the latest service release for SAP-SIC. I hope the content is very informative to you.
Please write your query, feedback and suggestion. You can go through the previous blog for an "Overview of Vertex".
Vertex Tax Solution – Vertex Installation | SAP Blogs
Medha Nand Jha