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What are the differences between SAP Customer Data Platform and SAP Customer Data Cloud?

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Hello everybody,

I know that the "SAP Customer Data Platform" is based on the "SAP Customer Data Cloud (Gigya)" and is a new generation of that. So far, everything I've read about "SAP Customer Data Platform" is also available in "SAP Customer Data Cloud".

I am trying to compare but i couldn't understand and differentiate well enough what SAP Customer Data Platform contributes and provides as a improvement.

What are the new functions or innovations which CDP Platform brings?

Thank you and best regards

Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert

Hi Durukan,

Check the following beginner courses to understand what SAP Customer Data Cloud and SAP Customer Data Platform are, and how they complement each other. These two solutions are not the same.

Explore SAP Customer Data Cloud Essentials

Explore SAP Customer Data Platform Essentials

Hope this will help you clarify all your questions.



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The CDP is a module within the CDC, where customers can collect relevant personalized data of their users and create segments for further use. You could collect e.g. the data coming from the CDC, from Service and Qualtrics in the CDP. Then create specific segments with that information and trigger then Email Campaings from the Marketing Cloud to the users in that segment.

If you need a better explanation you look for the Webinar "First look at SAP Customer Data Platform for Partner Presales". You can find it in the SAP Learning Hub.

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Hello Jose,

Thank you so much for your answer. Unfortunately i could not find the Webinar which named "First look at SAP Customer Data Platform for Partner Presales" in SAP Learning Hub. I would be very happy if you can send me a link in case you have it.


Hi durukan.iscan ,

In the Learning Hub, go to Learning Content -> Find Courses and look for "Customer Data Platform". The webinar should be in the list you see afterwards.

This is the link for the webinar, but I think it won't work to access the webinar

0 Kudos

Hi Jose,

What is the pricing of CDP? Is it bundled with CDC? Another question is What will be the future of segmentation feature within marketing cloud?



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Hi Damodar,

Unfortunately, I'm not aware of the pricing of CDP and as far as I know, the CDP is a module within the CDC.

From the use case that I saw in one of the presales CDP sessions, the whole data from different sources is being summed up in the CDP. With this, there are some segmentations that can be done with the data, leading to the action of triggering campaigns of the Marketing Cloud, but the sending would still happen within the Marketing Cloud. I guess then the segmentation for the Marketing Cloud could be done using the data from CDP, but also the internal data within the Marketing Cloud.


Hi Jose,

Both of these functionalities are also in SAP Marketing Cloud (SMC) as well. SMC has inbuilt functionality of Goldenisation of customer records from different sources. SMC uses that Goldern records for segmentation purposes. Do you mean to say these two functions have been duplicated in CDP as well?

