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smart edit add new component is not visible

Former Member
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Hi All,

When I open smart edit and click on basic edit I cannot find add component button on menu bar any idea , Please?

Former Member

Hi Jameel, I am facing the same issue than you. Finally you could solved it out?

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This happens when smart edit is not properly configured. Can you verify that following extensions are added by you

  <extension name='smartedit' />
  <extension name='cmssmartedit' />
  <extension name='cmssmarteditwebservices'/>
  <extension name='cmswebservices' />
  <extension name='permissionswebservices'/>
  <extension name='previewwebservices' />
  <extension name='smarteditaddon'/>
  <extension name='smarteditwebservices' />
  <extension name="cmsbackoffice"/>
  <extension name="personalizationservicesbackoffice"/>
  <extension name="personalizationservices"/>
  <extension name="personalizationcmsbackoffice"/>
  <extension name="previewpersonalizationweb"/>
  <extension name="personalizationcmsweb"/>
  <extension name="personalizationsmartedit"/>

After that have done smarteditaddon install . and then added following entries in your file of storefront

[storefrontName].additionalWebSpringConfigs.smarteditaddon=classpath:/smarteditaddon/web/spring/smarteditaddon-w smarteditaddon.application-context=smarteditaddon-spring.xml smarteditaddon.javascript.paths.responsive=/shared/common/js/webApplicationInjector.js;/shared/common/js/reprocessPage.js;/shared/common/js/adjustComponentRenderingToSE.js;/responsive/common/js/smarteditaddon.js smarteditaddon.css.paths.responsive=/responsive/common/css/smarteditaddon.css

and then run ant npminstall from platform

0 Kudos

you also need to run ant build after running ant npminstall

To ensure that all SmartEdit extensions are set up to detect the third-party libraries stored in npmancillary, you must run the ant build command to create a symlink from the SmartEdit extensions to the nodes_module directory and the package.json file in the npmancillary extension.
