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SAP HANA database synchronization to customer checkout

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I have been facing issues in synchronizing customer data from the HANA database to SAP customer checkout.

Regarding our local environment hardware and server configuration please find the following details:
  • Window server 2012 R2 where SAP customer checkout is installed.
  • RAM -16 GB
  • SAP Customer checkout Release--- 2.0 FP 11 PL06
  • JAVA Runtime Environment:11.0.13+10-LTS-370
  • Integration Framework---1.22.34
  • SAP customer checkout package version-4.0.41
  • Action executed successfully in web point SAP customer checkout.
  • B1DI connection is successful in the integration framework for the Demo database.
  • JDBC connection is successful in Integration Framework is successfully for Demo database.

But still, the issue is not able to reflect the customer information in SAP customer checkout.

Please help to rectify this issue.


Pralin Khanal

0 Kudos
Also all these connection steps are successful but still not able to reflect SAP HANA database data to SCC.
  1. SLD -> Select the Business One database which is integrated with CCO -> hit the Test Connection button for B1DI and JDBC -> they must return a success message
  2. SLD -> CustomerCheckoutDb -> hit the Test Connection button for JDBC -> it must return a success message
  3. MAINTENANCE -> User Administration -> hit the Runtime Users button -> find the user that you used for integration with CCO (often in OnPrem installations this is the B1iadmin user) -> it must be Active = true
  4. SCENARIOS -> Control -> sap.CustomerCheckout -> must be ticked = Active in the first column
  5. TOOLS -> Control Center -> Monitoring -> TID Panel -> Execution Status = INCOMMIT or INROLLBACK -> Submit -> if there are any transactions you have to delete them

waiting for valuable input on this.



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Hi Anderson,

Please find the attached log files and screenshots.

In a regard to the SAP customer checkout Manager, we haven't integrated with SCC.

If you need any further details, Please let me know.


Pralin khanacco-errortxt.txtcco-standardtxt.txt