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Promotions are not visible after upgrade

0 Kudos

Hi Experts,

We are doing upgrade from SAP commerce from 1905 to 2211, after the upgrade we are able to see the webs site and back office but one issue we are facing when we navigate to Promotion Rule Option in back office , getting the below error

any inputs are helpful, thanks in Advance




Please remove Dynamic attribute handler spring bean id “AbstractRule_deploymentsAttributeHandler” from “deployments” property of AbstractRule type.

Goto -> System -> Types -> AbstractRule -> Properties -> Edit deployments attribute, then remove the attribute handler.

0 Kudos

Hi maddy565, I followed the steps that is working fine, I am able to see the promotion rules but those are not working and also when I publish the new rule also I am getting the below error

23.03.14 19:08:36:543 INFO DB_AUDIT

23.03.14 19:08:36:543 INFO DB_AUDIT

23.03.14 19:08:36:543 INFO DB_AUDIT

23.03.14 19:08:36:543 INFO DB_AUDIT

23.03.14 19:08:36:555 INFO DB_AUDIT

23.03.14 19:08:36:560 INFO DB_AUDIT

23.03.14 19:08:36:560 INFO DB_AUDIT

23.03.14 19:08:36:562 INFO *************************************

23.03.14 19:08:36:562 INFO Starting RuleEngineCompilePublishJob

23.03.14 19:08:36:562 INFO *************************************

23.03.14 19:08:38:906 INFO Publishing event that Kie Container swap started for module [promotions-module] and release ID []

23.03.14 19:08:39:256 ERROR Unable to resolve ObjectType 'RuleGroupExecutionRRD'

23.03.14 19:08:39:256 ERROR Unable to build expression for 'eval':Cannot invoke "org.drools.compiler.compiler.AnalysisResult.getBoundIdentifiers()" because "analysis" is null '$result_count > 0 && $groupExecution.allowedToExecute($config)'

23.03.14 19:08:39:256 ERROR Error importing : 'de.hybris.platform.ruleengineservices.rao.ProductConsumedRAO'

23.03.14 19:08:39:256 ERROR Unable to resolve ObjectType 'ProductConsumedRAO'

23.03.14 19:08:39:256 ERROR Unable to resolve type 'ProductConsumedRAO for parameter$v6

23.03.14 19:08:39:256 ERROR Unable to build expression for 'accumulate' : Cannot read the array length because "params" is null

23.03.14 19:08:39:256 ERROR Unable to Analyse Expression $result_count > 0 && $groupExecution.allowedToExecute($config):

[Error: unable to resolve method using strict-mode: java.lang.Object.$result_count()]

[Near : {... $result_count > 0 && $groupExe ....}]


[Line: 72, Column: 3]

23.03.14 19:08:39:256 ERROR Unable to Analyse Expression Map variables = [ "de.hybris.platform.ruleengineservices.rao.ProductConsumedRAO" : $v6_set, "de.hybris.platform.ruleengineservices.rao.CartRAO" : $v1_set, "de.hybris.platform.ruleengineservices.rao.RuleEngineResultRAO" : $v2_set, "de.hybris.platform.ruleengineservices.rao.WebsiteGroupRAO" : $v3_set, "de.hybris.platform.ruleengineservices.rao.ProductRAO" : $v4_set, "de.hybris.platform.ruleengineservices.rao.OrderEntryRAO" : $v5_set ];

ruleOrderEntryPercentageDiscountAction.executeAction(new DefaultDroolsRuleActionContext(variables, kcontext), ["value_uuid":"a1a5d598-c351-43a4-92bf-eb63d877496a", "value":new BigDecimal("50")]);


[Error: unable to resolve method using strict-mode: org.drools.core.spi.KnowledgeHelper.$v6_set()]

[Near : {... oductConsumedRAO" : $v6_set, "de.hybris.platf ....}]


[Line: 33, Column: 0]

23.03.14 19:08:39:256 ERROR Unable to Analyse Expression product == $rao_v4:

[Error: unable to resolve method using strict-mode: de.hybris.platform.ruleengineservices.rao.OrderEntryRAO.product()]

[Near : {... product == $rao_v4 ....}]


[Line: 50, Column: 9]

23.03.14 19:08:39:256 ERROR Unable to Analyse Expression product == $v4:

[Error: unable to resolve method using strict-mode: de.hybris.platform.ruleengineservices.rao.OrderEntryRAO.product()]

[Near : {... product == $v4 ....}]


[Line: 20, Column: 9]

23.03.14 19:08:39:256 ERROR Error importing : 'de.hybris.platform.ruleengineservices.rrd.RuleGroupExecutionRRD'

23.03.14 19:08:39:256 ERROR Error importing : 'de.hybris.platform.ruleengineservices.rrd.RuleConfigurationRRD'

23.03.14 19:08:39:256 ERROR Error importing : 'de.hybris.platform.ruleengineservices.rao.ProductRAO'

23.03.14 19:08:39:256 ERROR Unable to resolve ObjectType 'ProductRAO'

23.03.14 19:08:39:256 ERROR Unable to resolve ObjectType 'RuleConfigurationRRD'

23.03.14 19:08:39:256 INFO *************************************

23.03.14 19:08:39:256 INFO RuleEngineCompilePublishJob finished with errors

23.03.14 19:08:39:256 INFO *************************************

23.03.14 19:08:39:256 INFO DB_AUDIT

23.03.14 19:08:39:256 INFO DB_AUDIT

23.03.14 19:08:39:256 INFO DB_AUDIT

23.03.14 19:08:39:272 INFO DB_AUDIT

23.03.14 19:08:39:272 INFO DB_AUDIT

23.03.14 19:08:39:272 INFO DB_AUDIT

23.03.14 19:08:39:272 INFO DB_AUDIT

23.03.14 19:08:39:272 INFO DB_AUDIT

23.03.14 19:08:39:272 INFO DB_AUDIT

0 Kudos

Hello venkateswarlu,

I'm fascinated with the same issue, did you find any fix for this?


0 Kudos

any fix for the above?

0 Kudos

These are deprecated in upgrade version of Hybris. Either remove these POJOs or define in your custom extensions beans.xml files.

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0 Kudos

Hi yeshwant_mulli,

In upgrade version of Hybris, ProductRAO, CategoryRAO and ProductConsumedRAO are deprecated and removed.

ProductRAO -> product Code = OrderEntryRAO -> productCode (String)

CategoryRAO -> category code = OrderEntryRAO -> categoryCodes (Set<String>)