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Permissions from SAP CRM on premise to SAP Marketing Cloud

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Hello SAP Community,

we want to synchronize marketing permissions from CRM on premise to SAP Marketing cloud.

I already found the following blog:

Blog Marketing Permission

and an added Guide:

Guide Documentation

Why do I need to create a Z-BADI in the CRM? Is this Z-Badi really necessary?

What we have is the Basistype: CRMXIF_PARTNER_REL_SAVE_M03

Furthermore I have in the CPI the standard iFlow:




In this standard iFlow I have the mapping to the marketing perimissions between CRM and yMKT.

Is it now possible to add the "Replicate Contact Permission From CRM to yMKT" Mapping into our Partner_Rel Mapping?

Does anyone of you have experience with this iFlows and may give me a hint?

BR Christof

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on the page 4 of this guide it's written:

  • In release 1805, BAdI implementation must be done manually.
  • In release 1808, BAdI implementation shall be delivered by SAP in SAP CRM support package.

update information:

  1. BAdI implementation must be done manually in customer namespace (Z or Y).
  2. Because the business scenario "Marketing Permissions" is available in SAP CRM 7.0 EHP1 SP05 or higher and the support package must be delivered in a compatible way, therefore standard BAdI implementation has not been delevired by SAP, user needs to implement BAdI manually in customer namespace (Z or Y).

best regards,

Ti No