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Inconsistent BDocs in MAS even after synchronization

Former Member
0 Kudos

Hi All,

I have synchronized the Bdocs in MAS with that of CRM server and find that the synchronization was successful. Am able to find *.bdoc files in folder "C:\Program Files\SAP\Mobile\tpsfiles".

But when I perform a BDoc consistency check it shows lot of inconsistencies in the BDocs.

Please help.

P.S: As per note 942942, I have generated the bdocs in CRM server and then synchronized them with MAS.


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Former Member
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BDOC Consistency Checker shows a lot of inconsistencies by default with standard Mobile installation and it happens in our landscape as well.

It is becuase, Business objects, Business Queries and

combo engines will never be deleted if they are not used anywhere in the application code. these objects are mapped to the old BDOC segments which are no more available. Subsequently, inconsistencies will result.

I can strongly guarantee that inconsistencies do not have any consequences with respect to the application.

you can go ahead with the MAS modelling activities leaving these inconsistencies.



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Please provide inputs.


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Just make sure that there is no serial number mismatch of Bdocs. Synchronization issue is mainly due to this.



Former Member
0 Kudos

Hi Suren,

Please let me know how to find the serial number mismatch of the BDoc's? And if there is a mismatch, how to correct them?

Thanks for the help.


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I guess Suren means the position numbers of the BDoc segment fields which shouldn't have gaps. But this is not the case for standard BDocs which have not been enhanced on project level so far.

Which kind of "inconsistencies" do you have? Errors or warnings?

And is the BOL generation throwing errors too (as the business query generation is based on the definition files for the query BDocs)?



Former Member
0 Kudos

Hello Chan

At first, Check that whether you have applied the design time mandatory notes corresponding to the CRM release.

1. Do a complete generation of all the bdocs on the

server using the transaction GNRWB.

2. After doing the Generation at the server, Check

for the errors if any using the transaction GENSTATUS.

3. If Status is shown in green, Generation is successful

if the status is red, it means BDOC Generation is not

successful, in this case you have to resolve the errors

4. If the BDOC Generation is successful, Now Sync the BDOCs from MAS.

5. Now run the BDOC consistency checker.

