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Impex header second INSERT_UPDATE fails

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In my impex I have


 INSERT_UPDATE Address;&addrID;streetname;streetnumber;postalcode[unique=true];town[unique=true];country(isocode);region(isocode);phone1;owner(PointOfService.storeId)[unique=true];latitude;longitude;
 ;address30009;Cnr whatever street;;7800;This Town;PF;PF-WC;217634340;30009;-34.022;18.468;

 INSERT_UPDATE PointOfService;name[unique=true];type(code);address(&addrID);latitude;longitude;geocodeTimestamp[dateformat=dd-MM-yyyy];basestore(uid);openingSchedule(code);warehouses(code);storeId[unique=true];
 ;My store;STORE;address30009;-34.022;18.468;;$baseStoreUID;;warehouse30009;30009;

But I get an error

 INSERT_UPDATE PointOfService;name[unique=true];type(code);address(&addrID);latitude;longitude;geocodeTimestamp[dateformat=dd-MM-yyyy];basestore(uid);openingSchedule(code);warehouses(code);storeId[unique=true]
 ,8796191459320,,, column 3: could not resolve item for address30009, column 3: cannot resolve value 'address30009' for attribute 'address';My store;STORE;address30009;-34.022;18.468;;myshop;;warehouse30009;30009;

 27.09.2018 16:36:46: ERROR: Can not resolve any more lines ... Aborting further passes (at pass 2). Finally could not import 1 lines!                
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Hi , can you first try to run the first impex of inserting/updating the address and then include the second impex syntax for PointOfServer . it looks like address reference was not found for it . first execute only address info then later include POS impex as well and see .

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You insert the address referencing the POS:30009 this does not work since the POS does not exist jet, now you insert the POS referencing the address this obviously fails as well.

try removing owner(PointOfService.storeId)

Accepted Solutions (1)

Accepted Solutions (1)

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Bring the address down and move the POS to top, run the impex in HAC and select "import_relaxed" . And the same impex might work in your colleague machine, we faced similar issue a while back . Hope this helps.

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