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Hana Cloud Portal - Integrated to Cloud for Service - Change Columns

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Hi experts! Do you know how I can change the columns at the tickets tab on Hana Cloud Portal (integrated to Cloud for Service)? Like hide the column “Product Description” and Add another column (for example: responsible, due date, SLA, etc)?

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Former Member
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The C4C Support Site widgets that are available in the Hana Cloud Portal are adapted like the C4C Web/Mobile apps using key user adaption. Login as the administrator in the C4C tenant, go to the administrator work center -> service and social settings -> portal adaption -> enter adaption... and do your changes. To get to the "detail" widget, click on the ticket ID in the All Tickets widget below

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Once you Adapt changes in the C4C, you need to refresh portal widgets. As a portal admin, please add 'Clear Cache' widget to your site from widget library.

If you do not find 'Clear Cache' widget, you can configure by f following these instructions -

The URL of this new widget is https://dest.customerod/serviceportal/cache.xml

Here are the steps to do it –

  1. Open the site in administrative mode
  2. Go to the content section of this and a new widget of type Open

Social – just like the other C4C widgets.  Enter the URL for this widget as https://dest.customerod/serviceportal/cache.xml


  1. Now go to the Site Directory Section and create a new website (only for admin purposes) and restrict its access to only Key Users (person responsible for adaptation changes in C4C).
  2. Create a new page (let’s call it “Cache”) and add this “Cache” widget there and publish the site!
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Also,  Please go this FAQ document for more info on this and other related questions.

Note -  In case you have access problems please send us a note via this link to allow us to provide you access to this content and many other related broadcast information resources

Former Member
0 Kudos

Hi Kiran,

I followed the steps as you described and created the clear cache widget under Site Directory, Now could you please let us know how can I clear the cache? I didn't understand further steps like what step need to follow to clear the after widget is added to Site directory.

