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Execute planning funtion during promotion save

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Hi experts,

Is there a way to automatically trigger a BPS planning function when the user save the TPM promotion?

I was looking in BW for a BADI but i cannot find anything, is already there a standard BAdI in bw that does this work? do you know where i have to integrate and call this BAdI under the CRM promotion save button?

Realkly thanks for your help


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hi, in my project, I meet the similar requirement, not complete same, maybe can share with you

The user don't want to input the planning data on BPS layout on CRM Web UI. they just input the planning data on a customize WEB UI table, and hope the data will be bring to BPS.

We solve it as following.

1. Define a BPS layout

2. Develop a RFC in BPS server

3. the CRM side, in a TPM BADI, when save the TP, we call the remote RFC function to BPS. In the function, the trade planing data of the tp will be write to BPS, and direct update the table of BPS layout.

4.When open the TP in CRM, and planning layout data is ok, just like user inputted

key point is:

1.Get to know the related table of your BPS layout

2.When write to the layout table, you must keep the data format very careful. in my case, we input the data on BPS layout, and compare the result in data table, check how standard SAP to update them.

0 Kudos

Hi GU,

what is the Badi name in the TPM , please let me know we are having smillar issues.

How to find out the table name of BPS layout.

Please share your ideas on this.



0 Kudos

Dear Alessandro,

Have you resolved this yet? If not, can you provide additional details on what you are trying to achieve?


Anik Roy

SAP Moderator

Former Member
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Hi Roy,

Sorry for the delay answer, i didn't see the alert.

Actualy i have not relsoved yet this topic also because the customer has posticipate in another release this development.

My scenario is the follow one:

We are developing a SAP CRM tradde promotion management application and in order to plan volume and spends for promotions we defined a BPS planning layout integrated in the CRM Web UI.

In order to know the entire investment of the promotion currently the user need to trigger manually a planning function from the standard drop down above the BPS planning layout in the CRM Web UI when he are planning for a certain promotion.

This planning function sum up all the single spend values included in that promotion and then populate the Total Investement key figure included in the BPS planning layout.

The requirement is that in order to avoid forgetfulness by the user to trigger manually the planning function before save and exit from the promotion, it would be necessary to automatically run the same planning function when the user, from the CRM Web UI, clicks on the Save button of the promotion screen.

I have tried to directly tie the planning function to the planning layout through the BPS standard functionality "Set Automatically Executed Functions" available in the first step of the manual planning definition screen in SAP BPS.

However when in CRM i have plan spend and volume for a promotion and having used the same layout when i save the promotion from the CRM Web UI Save button the planning function is not triggered.

I don't know if this depends from a bug or if it is not possible from CRM to use this functionality, do you know somenthing about this?

Alternatively, do you know if from CRM side there is somenthing (BAdI or somenthing else) that could make this job?

Many thanks,

Hope to give you sufficient information.


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I am also facing same issue, the Exit function does not get trigged when Save button is clicked in the layout of UI.

Would like to know how you solved it, is there any BADI or a way through which the Exit function also can be triggered through the Save button in UI.



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I am also facing same issue. When save button is clicked in BPS Layout through UI, the exit function module does not get triggered. Would like to know how you solved this. Is there any BADI which gets triggered on click of Save button.

Is it necessary to specify the Initialization FM.

Please help me i this regard.



Former Member
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I am also looking for a trigger on Save button, can any one provide any code or pointers for the same.