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Error occurred when changing value description of marketing attributes

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I'd like to change description of an attribute value in marketing attribute, but when click save button, it will shows following error message:

The values currently maintained lead to inconsistencies in the database

Message no. CRM_MKTPF_PFMERK053


You may not delete values that are already assigned to a business partner. If you want to assign pre-defined values to an attribute that formerly had freely-definable text, you must include all values that have already been assigned to a business partner. Otherwise the values cannot be saved or you have to delete the values for this attribute from the business partners.

So how can I change the description of an attribute value?

Thanks and Best regards,


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Former Member
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Hi Long,

It is clearly mentioned in Error description that the attribute description which u r trying to change that attribute is assigned to the some of Business partner/s, the reason why it is not allowing u to change the description, first u need to delete the attributes from the BP and again try to change the attribute description it will allow u to do so.



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Did you digg more into this? I got the same issue for one of my customer, but I don't think that changing the description is the problem. In another solution I have no issue changing descriptions for attribute values in use. However, it may seem that the problem is that the attribute has been changed. Was the values before freely definable but later predefined values were added?

thanks, Camilla

Former Member
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i also got same error, but it happens when we insert/create new attribute value to existing attribute.

did any of you solve this issue? really appreciate if you can share.



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