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Display an existing Field from one view in another view.

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Hi everybody,

I'm trying to enhance an assignment block in the iBase with new fields but it's not about creating totally new fields with the EEWB or another tool. I want to enhance the assignement block product (component IBDETAIL/product) with standard fields which are available in the component IBRELATION/ warranty, ( warranty ID , warranty start date and warranty end date) .

Can someone tell how to do that.

thanks in advance


Edited by: Liliane Kamdem on May 25, 2009 4:30 PM

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Open that view BSP_WD_CMPWB and enhance it. Then open the context node of that view (called PRODUCT). Go to attributes. There you will see 11 attributes alredy present. To add new one "right-click" on Attributes position and choose Create. Then you can navigate to the attribute you wish to add via GENIL model structure.

Be aware that some fields work withoth additional coding but some need also redefinition of GET & SET methods of added attribute.

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Hi robert,

I did it but i still can't see the compoent.

0 Kudos

If you have followed Robert's Instructions you may find the added field in the Avaiable fields of configuration Tab of BSP_WD_CMPWB.


Select the field from avaiable fields in the left and move/add in to the displayed fields ( make sure that hidden column is not checked ).

Please comeback if this doesnt work for you!.

Regards, Sudeep..

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now the fiels are avialbale in the IBDETAIL/PRODUCT view but i did the same for the IBHIER/PRODUCTCOMPONENT , and can' see the fields in the view structure but there are not in the configuration. I have also noticed that the configuration of the IBHIER component looks alittle bit different than the configuration of the other compoenent the " show available fields" button is not provide there.


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I can see the view IBDETAIL/PRODUCT is a form view and IBHIER/PRODUCTCOMPONENT is a Table view. Since IBHIER/PRODUCTCOMPONENT is a table view It shows the avaiable field at the left side column!. It should happen even if you add a new field via EEWB by providing relationships properly!.

Table views will have only One context node and if you try to add fields from other BOL Object you should provide 1:1 relation between the BOL Objects!. My Assumption here is you have just added one field from a different BOL Object without providing the relationships!. Try to put a breakpoint in the getter method of the attribute you have added and see if the control is going in!/.

Regards, Sudeep..