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Business rule framework

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Hi gurus,

I would like to know some details on BRF - Business Rule it a technical stuff of functional..

expecting answers

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Here is a brief description on BRF...

TheBRF isa Runtime and Maintenance Environment for the Processing, Implementation and Configuration of Technical and Business Rules.

An SAP Application using BRF raises BRF-Events

��To eachBRF-Event, a number of Rules can be assigned.

&#56256;&#56451;A Rule works like: If<booleanExpression> then<Actions>

&#56256;&#56451;An Expression is an object that returns a result.

&#56256;&#56451;Expressions may be nested.

&#56256;&#56451;Usually, the result type is primitive (C, N, B, I, ...)

&#56256;&#56451;An Action is an object, that acts on another(usually non-BRF) object.

&#56256;&#56451;Actions may use Expressions as Parameters.

Events may be considered the „entrypoint/gateway“ to Rule Evaluation and Execution in BRF

&#56256;&#56452;Events are implemented at specific points within a business process–e.g.: when a document is stored, when a payment is transferred etc.

&#56256;&#56452;An Event is associated with one or more „rules“ which wil be executed when the Event is triggered

&#56256;&#56452;Triggering an Event can be done via coding

&#56256;&#56452;Events can define the context:

&#56256;&#56452;E.g. crm event contextcrmt_brf_event_contex

BRF Expressions

&#56256;&#56452;Expressions are BRF objects that return a definite result

&#56256;&#56452;Boolean Expressions form the „IF“ part of the Rule

&#56256;&#56452;Expressions can be e.g. of the following types:


•Fieldof a Structure(DataSource)


•SAP Formula(as usedin BADI implementations)

BRF Actions

&#56256;&#56452;Actions are BRF objects that start some activity as part of Rule Execution

&#56256;&#56452;They form the „THEN“ part of the Rule

&#56256;&#56452;Standard BRF Actions can be of the following types:

•ExecuteFunctionModule / Method

&#56256;&#56452;Actions are usually application specific.

For example, some Actions in FS are:•Start Workflow/RaiseBOR-Event •Status change •Trigger BRF Event • Message into the CRM Log

BRF Rulesets

Definition of Rule Set:The rule set concept offers the option of grouping rules that are connected in the business sense, but distributed over several events, and then activatingor deactivating them jointly.

Former Member
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Do you have something on R/3 side? I was having trouble invoking the events from a transaction. How do I go about doing that?

